
Currently #40

Hello Hello! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying your week. I can’t believe we are at the end of April. Is it just me or did April fly by? I feel like we were just celebrating Easter and now we are gearing up for May. 

This month has been filled with Easter fun, a week of summer weather and lots of good books and shows. Here’s a look at life this past month. I always love going through my camera role to see what I did over the past few weeks.

What I’ve Been Up To: I started the month by celebrating Easter with my family. We watched Here Comes Peter Cottontail- (a classic!)

An Easter classic!

We dyed eggs, enjoyed Easter dinner, ate too much candy and saw family. 

A fun, family tradition of egg dyeing!
One of the eggs I worked on!
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!

I wore this Tommy Hilfiger which was perfect for a sunny, Easter morning.

I had fun covering Opening Day for our local baseball time and the weather was gorgeous!

I got to enjoy my first night grilling with warm weather!

Then we had a whole stretch of week that was in the 70s and full sun! I took advantage of summer-like weather by heading out for walks with my dogs or with friends.

A great walk with one of my friends!

I also enjoyed ice cream, fresh flowers and lunch outside! It was the best week and it has me craving summer now more than ever!

First ice cream of the season.
Lunch outside!
My pup enjoying the sweet sunshine!

What I’m Wearing: This was a new dress from Calvin Klein that I got from Ross’s. I really love the neutral colors and how it can work with spring and summer since it has short sleeves. I also really like the pattern.

I got this jacket from T.J.Maxx and immediately fell in love with it. From the colors to the fabric, it reminds me of a classy Chanel piece of clothing. I wore it in the spring and I’m looking forward to wearing it on chilly days too.

What I’m Reading: I have been reading so many good books lately from a lot of different genres, from mystery to chick flick and drama, I have covered them all. Here’s some of my favorites:

Love and Other Words–  Love and Other Words goes back and forth between the past and present with two best friends who reunite after almost a decade apart. Themes of friendship, love, and books are woven through the book. As a book lover myself, I loved all the references to books and getting lost in a story. My friend Sydney gifted me this book and I’m so glad she did. I’ll defintely be reading more Christina Lauren books.

Greenwich Park–  Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner is the perfect mix of drama, thriller and mystery. The story is told from different perspectives of the characters. The book follows a story of a woman who meets a fellow first-time mom in a pre-natal class, the two women become friends until the new women has a hidden agenda and some secrets and connections to the protagonist and her friends and family. The book starts out fairly slow but picks up towards the middle and end, so if you re-thinking about quitting, stay with it.

Best Years of Your Life-This book started out slow, but once it picked up, I couldn’t put it down. It’s told by the three main characters, a married couple and their college-aged daughter. Each character is going through different trials and tribulations and has their own secrets that they are dealing with. You can find themes of drama, relationships, family, honesty and integrity. It’s one of those books that will stick with you after you finish it. Another bonus is that the author is from my community-such a small world!

What I’m Watching: This past month has been filled with continuing to watch the Mindy Project, I started it back in January and have been slowly making my way through it on days off or at night. It’s the perfect show to put on in the background and it will guarantee you lots of laughs.

I also have been watching the fifth and final season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I have been loving the flash forwards through the season, it’s been cool to see where characters end up in the future. I’m anxious to see where the rest of the season takes us, but I also don’t want it to end.

I’ve also been keeping up with the weekly episode drops of Ted Lasso, such a fun mid week pick me up!

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by the warm, spring-like weather that I just want to spend all my time outside on warm days! I try to make it a point to enjoy longer walks with my dogs while I listen to a podcast on days off or even after I finish work if it’s still light out.

A great walk by the water
Even my dogs are getting in on the outdoor fun!

I have also been doing more work outdoors on days off and I can’t wait to do more of that and read outdoors more when the weather stays consistently warm.

Enjoying another meal out in the sunshine!

There’s also been new buds on trees and flowers, which brings so much hope for the new season.

What I Accomplished: I checked a lot of things off my to-do list over the past month, from doctor’s appointments to gifts for friends and family, I have a few big events coming up next month and it felt so good to get things purchased! I’m looking forward to celebrating some fun things next month.

Goals from Last Month: I wanted to soak up all the family time around the Easter holiday and get the home ready for Spring and I accomplished both things. It was nice to have some bonus time with family and switch things from one season to another. 

Enjoying some Easter sweets with my family was a highlight.

Goals for this Month: May is a busy month, there’s birthday celebrations (including mine!), end of the year activities, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day and some fun, family events planned.

I’m looking forward to more summer snacks like these!

There’s a lot happening in May, but I’m looking forward to it and officially welcoming summer right after that.

My sweet pup enjoying the sunshine.

That’s just a look into life right now. Lots of outdoor time, sunshine, and spring fun! Tell me, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below! See you back here on Friday!


Currently #33

Hello all! 

September flew by, from the end of summer to the beginning of fall, it’s been a busy month. It’s time for another Currently, a glimpse into life over the past few weeks. 

What I’ve been up to: This month has been filled with saying goodbye to summer and hello to fall! I started the month with some end of season baseball games and ended the month with the start of fall walks and drinks. I created my fall bucket list where you can check out here. It makes me excited for the new season and the new adventures it brings. 

Saying goodbye to summer by enjoying some summer walks
And baseball games
My first Cleveland Guardians game happened this month!

What I’m wearing: I’ve started to bring out the leggings and jeans for the fall and winter season, but they have been paired with short sleeve tops. In addition to bringing out the pants, I’ve also been pairing shorts with long sleeve tops for days that may start out cool and turn hot or vice versa.

A fun transitional outfit. My new top from Old Navy paired with leggings.

What I’m reading: I’ve been on a roll with good books as summer winded down. I read the Perfect Couple which was a new to me book. I really loved the mystery aspect and the description of Nantucket. As we make our way into October, I’m looking forward to lighting more candles and cozying up with a blanket and reading more. Any fall books I should dive into?

A new favorite author!

What I’m watching: Fall TV is back! I’m excited to catch up on some of my favorite shows that are either back or will be coming back soon. I’m a big fan of Grey’s Anatomy and that returns next week (!!), I’m excited to see what this season has to offer and some of the changes that are expected to come along with it too! I’ve also been making my way through Sweet Magnolia’s. I didn’t watch too much tv or movies in the summer since I try to be outside as much as possible. We’ve had a few rainy days and evenings, so I’ve been watching some older movies. I watched When Harry Met Sally and it was the best way to spend an afternoon. 

A new favorite show!

What I’m loving: I’ve been enjoying spending lots of quality time with friends. Over the past month, I’ve gotten dinner or caught up via facetime with all my local friends and some of my out of town friends. It was so good to get some quality conversations and time with my friends. Whether it was a local dinner, traveling half way to see a friend or a facetime from hundreds of miles away, spending time with friends is so important and something I’ve been loving over the past few weeks. I’ve also been enjoying baking and fall walks!

I made snicker doodles for the first time. yum!

What Inspires me: As the temperatures drop, I’ve been loving lots of cooking and baking. Here’s some of the recent things I’ve made.

I’ve made homemade pizza this month
A new chicken salad with chicken, celery, grapes and pecans.
Homemade banana muffins
Cherry tomato chicken and pasta

What I accomplished: This past month, I’ve spent lots of time outside, time with friends and time with my favorite hobbies. From reading to walks and time with my family. It’s been a great month.

The sweetest treat after dinner with friends.

Goals from last month: I got a lot in from wrapping up summer and starting some fall fun and crossing things off my fall bucket list. Plus, I got in a few day trips, including Cleveland, with a day to the zoo and a baseball game.

Goals for this month: This month I look forward continue to enjoy fall, from leaves to walks, and football. I can’t wait to try some new fall recipes, especially with apples and fall veggies. I’m also working towards some new fitness goals, by eating healthier and working out more.

Enjoying a sushi spread while soaking up the last bit of warm weather.

That’s just a look at life right now. Tell me, what are some of your highlights from the past month!


Currently #21

Hey hey guys! Happy final week of September! Anyone else feel like we just celebrated Labor Day??

This month feels like a whirlwind, from wrapping up summer fun to starting the fall season. This month was packed full with lots of fun and memories. Here’s a look back on September with Currently.

What I’m up to:  Lots of fall walks! I am trying to soak up as much time outside as possible. From walks at the Peninsula, to walks in the woods or just in my backyard.

Finishing summer with summer walks.

I finished summer with a traditional baseball game.

Ending summer at a baseball game.

I’ve also made headway in my fall bucket list! l already went to a pumpkin patch and I’m making headway in some scary stories and fall walks too. Besides work and family time, my hobbies have been keeping me busy.

I already went to a pumpkin patch this year.

What I’m wearing: The weather has made it hard to find outfits this season. Sometimes I can get away with short sleeves, other times, its long sleeves and pants. I have a fall roundup of work clothes coming soon! I am starting to break out my leggings when I’m at home on days off or when I come home from work. I found a great pair from Gap, they are super long lasting and are thick too. I also like that they are high-waisted too!

What I’m reading: I finished reading “The People You Meet on Vacation” and I absolutely loved it! From the characters, the plot and the way it was told. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it!

My little buddy reading with me.

I’m also currently reading “The Silent Patient”. My friend Maddie recommended it to me and I have loved it! I’ve never been a fan of thrillers or dark mysteries but I’m hooked on it. What are some books you are loving?!

What I’m Watching: I finished watching season 2 of Modern Love. I really loved the first season and I thought the second one was good, but I really loved the first one. Based on popularity I started to watch Community. I really love the characters and how its only 30 minute episodes. I also can’t wait for my shows to return on tv!! Shows returning in the fall is a big favorite for me!

What I’m Loving: As we are making our way through fall, I’m all about staying in more, less time traveling and more quality time unwinding after work or spending time with family. I’m loving cozy nights in and building time in my schedule for the things I love including reading or shows or even going for walks or coffee with friends. 

I’ve been spending a lot of time baking.
And cooking too!

What Inspires Me: For the longest time I was putting off the start of fall. I wanted to hold onto summer for as long as I could. I enjoyed a boat ride with co-workers and I enjoyed a flower festival with my mom too!

But now that fall is here, I’m embracing it!! From seeing the leaves fall to lighting warm scents and candles to seeing pumpkins and hay and apples in displays in stores and at different farmer’s markets. 

Boat rides with co-workers!
And summer flower festivals too!

What I accomplished: As far as accomplishments go, I’ve been keeping busy at work between some projects and just the daily work. I’ve been making time for meaningful time with family too. I got busy in the summer visiting friends, but now that things have quieted down a but I’m liking a quieter lifestyle. I even started finding old hobbies fun again, like word searches. I loved them as a child and I’m found my love for them again!

I feel like a kid again with a word search!

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I really soaked up the end of summer and the warm weather by going on walks and enjoying some tasty ice cream, say it with me, ice cream makes everything better. Now, that summer is officially behind us, it’s full on fall mode. 

Big pumpkins are getting me ready for fall!

Goals for the New Month: Besides working, my goal for the next month is to accomplish as many things as possible on my fall bucket list! I love my lists and I look forward to crossing more things off and making memories.

My Fall Bucket List

That’s a look into my life this past month, all about the changing of seasons and getting ready for a new season. What are you looking forward this next month? What was a highlight from your past month?