
Look of the Day #121


 Another week is behind us. I can’t believe we are halfway through September. This month needs to slow down. I am trying to enjoy every day and be present in everything I am doing in this season of life. One thing I am looking forward to in the next few weeks is for the weather to be a bit more consistent. Last week it was in the high 80’s and this week it’s much more manageable with the 70’s. I know this is something so many of us struggle with, but picking out outfits that work for the chilly mornings and hot afternoons can be hard to put together. I try my best to pick outfits that are versatile and work in different weather conditions. 

Today’s look of the day is an example of one of those outfits.

Quick mirror selfie before class

It was cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon. I had fall on my mind so I wanted an outfit that would give off the fall vibes but also be comfortable. 

I first opted for this velvet gold short sleeve top from Old Navy to start off the outfit. I love this top for the color as well as the different ways to wear it. I have worn it previously in the winter with black skinny jeans

Wearing this top in the winter

and  in the summer with dress pants,

Or in the summer

but I really like how it works with navy blue jeans and brown boots. It made my get more into the autumn season with gold hues. I also like how it is short sleeve, therefore it works for the warm days in September.

Full look at the outfit

I opted for a pair of navy-blue denim boot jeans from Old Navy as well. These jeans worked great in the chilly morning, plus they are slimming, and I love the style of them. I can’t it to wear them more in upcoming fall and winter months. 

Lastly, I wore my favorite fall peep toe boots with this outfit. Once again, it has the fall feel with the brown leather, but at the same time it has an open toe which works great for warm weather. 

I also opted for more neutral and natural looking make up. Due to the gold top, I wore more gold hues with my bronzer, highlighter, and then for a lip color I went for a bare nude color.

Make up details

I love rewearing tops and bottoms in different outfits and finding what outfits I can create without breaking the bank. What fall trends are you looking forward to with the upcoming season?


Look of the Day #107


Hi All! It’s Thursday, one more day until the weekend!!! We almost made it. What fun things do you have planned for the weekend ahead? I hope it’s filled with relaxing and time spent doing something fun, it is summer after all!

I’m changing up today’s look of the day. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of business casual clothes, but I do have a few cute summer outfits for the weekends and evenings. 

I went shopping last week and put together this outfit featuring different shades of blue. The weather was in the 70’s but overcast and this outfit did the trick for the different weather. 

All blue everywhere

I opted for a pair of jeans with the ankles cuffed for more of a summer look. I wanted to wear denim, but I didn’t want a full leg of jeans, therefore I cuffed them, and they worked perfect! My jeans are from my go-to place for jeans, Old Navy!

 I decided to wear this light-almost sky-blue t-shirt from Gap. I love how the top made the jeans feel lighter. Since this is a short sleeve top, I threw on a navy-blue sweater to tie in the two shades of blue. I got this light sweater from Target a few years back. It’s perfect for those cool mornings or evenings. 

Since I have three different blues being worn here, I wanted to have an accessory that tied them all together…enter this scarf/bandana/headband. I got it from Old Navy at the beginning of the season. You may recognize the pattern from my dress I wore for Easter.

I love how it ties the whole outfit together, you can wear this accessory as a scarf, tie it to your purse, or wear it like a headband. I opted for the headband look and was so happy with how it turned out. 

I decided to wear a simple pair of sandals to accessorize my outfit.

Lastly, I’m using my Longchamp bag to hold everything I need when I am out and about. This is my go-to purse for everyday use. It is big, holds everything I need and is durable. Although pricey, I think it’s totally worth it.

Strolling into summer

That’s a look into what I am wearing a bit of a break from the professional clothes and it shows different outfits you can wear in the summer. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 



Look of the Day #99


Hello All!

Happy Thursday!

I am home for the next few days for Easter Break, it will be my last time home for the semester. I can’t believe the next time I will be home it will be after my junior year is over. It’s so crazy to wrap my head around the fact that my time in college is coming to an end. I have plenty of reflections of my junior year coming up but for now, I am enjoying some time at home before I am back to school to finish the semester off strong. 

Today’s look of the day, is a very exciting one…we have finally reached the time in the year where I don’t need to wear a jacket 24/7!!! I kid you not, I was able to run errands in just a sweater and short sleeve shirt. It has been a VERY long winter and I am more than ready for spring. Let’s break down this outfit that is very neutral and very blue. 

A neutral look going into spring

As always, Old Navy is my go-to for jeans. I am currently on the look for a pair of capris or skinny jeans, I’m planning on browsing Old Navy when I am home just to see what they have. I also, wore a crisp white short sleeve shirt from GAP to pair with the jeans, I love the look of jeans and a white shirt, I’m also on the look for another white blouse to dress up a pair of jeans, but for now, a white short sleeve shirt is perfect for running errands like I am today.

I love a light sweater especially when it’s a bit windy outside. I got this blue sweater from Target a few years back, I don’t wear it often but when I do, I like to just carry it with me especially in the summer when I am out to dinner and the weather gets cooler. I also like how the blue and white colors complement each other. 

I wanted to add a fun accessory to my outfit which is where my bag came in. If you remember, I got this purse from Chicago last spring. In the wise words of Carrie Bradshaw…this couldn’t be more true, purses and shoes are my weakness haha!

This bag was not only a cute accessory but held everything I needed when I was out and about. I also topped off my outfit with a brown wedge. 

99 looks later

This is just a quick look into what I am wearing as we are heading into spring. I can’t believe we are at 99 looks, I will have a VERY spring outfit picked out for you next week for the 100th look of the day so stay tuned! Have a wonderful weekend and a Blessed Easter if you celebrate!

See you on Tuesday!


Look of the Day #97


Hi All! 

Happy Thursday!

 I hope you have a great week. Are you ready for the weekend? I know I am. This semester has been so busy yet so good. By the time the weekend rolls around, I am definitely ready for a rest!  

Today’s outfit is perfect for the transitional weather. The days when it is cold in the morning but warm in the afternoon. The colors I am wearing are also warmer cools, perfect for fall, and winter. Although, the weather is still chilly I am more than ready for Spring, I am ready for lighter colors, less layers, and more time in the sun. It has been a VERY long winter. Haha! Let’s get to today’s look of the day. 

Transitional clothing for the win

I decided to first put together this outfit by mixing and matching different pieces that I typically don’t wear together. I first started to put this outfit together by matching a simple pair of jeans and a white shirt. I got these regular jeans from Old Navy, my go to place for jeans. My plain white t-shirt is from Gap. Old Navy and Gap are my go-to places for affordable but good quality clothes. I love to pop in whenever I’m home just to see what things are new and in stock.  

I love this burgundy sweater from American Eagle. I don’t wear it often, but when I do, I love what it does to an outfit. It is big and bulky, but it keeps me so warm and cozy. Especially during transitional weather, I don’t even need a jacket to wear when I am out and about with this sweater. Plus, I love the pop of color it brings to an outfit. It really breaks up the simple blue jeans and white shirt look. 

Lastly, I am rocking my go-to black boots from DSW. When I got these boots last spring I never would have guessed that I would be wearing them so much and putting them with so many outfits. They have been easily my favorite and most worn purchase in a long time. 

A perfect outfit for fall, winter, and early spring

That’s a look into what I have been wearing these in between days. My fingers are crossed for some consistent weather soon. See you on Tuesday for a look into what’s been going on in my life. Have a great weekend!


Look of the Day #95


Hey guys!! 

Happy Thursday! I hope you have had a great week! With March more than half way done, we are getting closer and closer to warmer, spring weather. I’ve already been on the lookout for spring clothing and accessories. One thing that I have seen in a lot of stores are bold, floral patterns. I’ve already picked up a few pieces that I can’t wait to incorporate into my spring and summer wardrobe. Even though Spring is on my mind, I still have a few more outfits that are geared towards transitional weather. Today’s look of the day is more on the casual side but with a pop of business casual. Let’s get to this preppy look. 

Modern yet classic style for today’s look of the day

Starting with the jeans. I love these boot cut jeans from Old Navy. I’m currently keeping my eyes open for a pair of jean capris or skinny jeans. Until then, I am sticking to my regular cut jeans, and boot cut jeans for the remaining weeks of colder weather. 

I love to dress up jeans or add a pop of color with a pair of dark jeans. However, with today’s outfit I wanted to go with neutral colors and tones. I decided to go add just a plain white long sleeve shirt. I got my plain white shirt from Gap. I love the quality of their clothing for a good price. There is nothing like a crisp white shirt and a pair of navy jeans to make a simple outfit look clean and preppy. 

Up close of the details

Since the weather is still chilly, I wore my high black boots when I was out and about. Although, these have been my go-to shoes for the winter, I am looking forward to bringing in some lighter and brighter shoes for the spring and summer. 

I decided to polish off this look with a navy blazer. Not going to lie, I borrowed this from my mom’s closet and never returned it…opps! What can I say, it’s a very good quality blazer, that is well fitted and can work with many outfits. You can wear it with dresses, skirts, dress pants, and jeans. This blazer is from Talbots, it is more of a traditional or classic women’s clothing store, the clothing never goes out of style. For this outfit, I opted for more of a casual look, wearing it with jeans and a white shirt. I’m looking forward to wearing it with more professional pieces of clothing in the future. 

All ready for a day out

That’s a look into my latest outfit. I hope this gives you inspiration for your next look. Have a super weekend!


Look of the Day #70


Happy Thursday!

I hope you all have a had a good week. My week was very productive, and this weekend will be busy due to working this weekend. So, remember when I said I couldn’t wait for fall weather? Well, I got my wish. It has been so rainy and chilly that it definitely felt like fall, which I am very happy about. This outfit is perfect for transitioning from summer to fall. I love mixing a short sleeve top with jeans. I wore this outfit to class and then a dinner last week and I loved it so much I had to share it. You may recognize this outfit as it was one that I had planned ahead for. Planning my outfits have been so helpful especially on busy mornings.

A perfect outfit transitioning to fall

So, lets break this look down.

These are my favorite regular cut jeans from Old Navy. I love the cut and style and they are perfect for fall, since you can still wear a flat or cute shoe as well as a pair of peep toe boots.  These suede saddle shoes are from GAP.I love not only the color but how light they are. They can be worn in spring, summer, and fall. I love shoes that can be worn in many seasons.

Lastly, this top is from Francesca’s Boutique. I have had it for a few years and always like to bring it out to change out my wardrobe. I love the detailing on the top. It truly makes it a fun piece of clothing to add to a pair of jeans. This top would also be great with dress pants for a day in the office.

This outfit was perfect for fall weather, when it’s cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon.

I can’t wait for fall weather to set in full time, until then I will continue to transitioning my outfits.

Have a great weekend and go out and enjoy this fall weather.


Look of the Day #34


Hello and happy Thursday!

I don’t know about you, but January always drags on. The fast pace of the Christmas season is behind us and we look forward to warmer weather. With snow continuously falling and frigid temperatures, I try to mix and match a few pieces to bring some excitement to my wardrobe.

Staying cozy and fashionable on a Thursday!


I wore this outfit out for dinner this past weekend and I got lots of compliments.  I wore my favorite pair of regular cut jeans from Old Navy. I prefer dark jeans opposed to light jeans. I love going to Old Navy for jeans since they come in many different styles for every body type. I decided to go neutral with a black cow neck sweater. I love this over sized sweater from GAP. I have it both in black and fuchsia pink. Since both sweaters are bold colors, they can go with any outfit.

My statement piece is my faux fur vest. I got this vest from Target, believe or not. I love Target, but I don’t always have luck there for clothes. However, this was a great find. I have worn it with leggings, jeans, even a simple black dress. It’s a great piece to dress up an outfit.

I wanted to highlight two accessories I’m wearing. First, I got this gold bar necklace for Christmas and it is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. It’s a simple necklace but I love how it can go with anything. Also, I have my initials on it so its personalized which makes it all the more special.

So simple, but so personalized and elegant,

I also am wearing this fun collection of bracelets and a watch. It matches my outfit with the brown but it is also a statement piece. I got this from Francesca’s Boutique  and I can;’t wait to wear it with other outfits.

Fun wrist accessories!

Sometimes it can be intimidating to wear something out of our comfort zone. But, I suggest to be BOLD. Try new pieces you may not normally pair with an outfit. You may never know you like an accessory unless you try it first. Have a great warm weekend. Stay warm!!


Look of the Day #26


My favorite color combo for Fall/Winter.

As we get into the middle of November, we are closer to winter than fall. I like to start to transition my clothes from fall to winter colors. Black is my favorite color to wear. A color so simple can go with every outfit.

I wore this outfit out to shopping and lunch and it was perfect for the chilly air. I get my jeans from Old Navy. I love how they carry styles for every body type. I am wearing the body cut jeans and I paired them with my favorite black shoe boots. Wedges or peep toe shoes would also work with these jeans. Since it is getting colder I opted out of a peep toe.

I got his black top from Francesca’s Boutique. I love the wrap around your midsection and the detailing on the top. The shirt is also very comfortable with soft fabric.

Since I am pairing black and navy together, I wanted to add some bling with gold accents. I am wearing gold hoops and rings both finds from American Eagle on sale!

Good Vibes Only especially on a Thursday

This outfit was perfect for a day of shopping and fun. When it gets colder, throw on a black jacket and you are good for a night out. Have a fun filled weekend!