
Currently #24

Hey guys! Happy December…the countdown is on until Christmas! I hope you are gearing up for the holiday season!

Quick check in time…How are you doing? Got everything wrapped? Checking off all those holiday traditions? Feeling overwhelmed with everything you still have to do? Weā€™ve all been thereā€¦while it may seem like this season will never end, it will. In the meantime, enjoy every moment and soak up all the moments, the big ones (like decorating the tree) or the little ones like looking at Christmas lights.

Onto todayā€™s post, can you believe that we are up to two years of Currently?!  This has been such a fun monthly post, not only does it keep you updated on my life but it also puts in perspective everything Iā€™ve done in 30 days or soā€¦without further ado, hereā€™s this monthā€™s Currently.

What Iā€™m up to: ALL the Christmas fun and cheer. From skating, to watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music at every opportunity, baking cookies and shopping and wrapping this month has been about enjoying all the Christmas fun!

There’s Christmas cheer all over the house.
We got our tree earlier in the month and it was perfect tree cutting weather.

What Iā€™m wearing: Besides work clothes, Iā€™ve been getting in the Christmas spirit by wearing Christmas sweaters, some cute graphic shirts and of course, Christmas socks!!! I canā€™t get enough of Christmas socks!

What Iā€™m reading:  I finished reading ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, it was definitely a heavier read but it was so well done. This month I have been reading all the Christmas books. I read “A Shoe Addictā€™s Christmas”, which was super cute. I then read “Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe”, this was the perfect mix of Christmas and a beautiful tribute to Jane Austen. Iā€™m currently reading “The Mistletoe Secret” by Richard Paul Evans, I read his series, ā€œThe Walkā€ during the pandemic and loved it, so Iā€™m very excited to read this one too. 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Besides watching classic Christmas movies and some Hallmark ones too.Ā Ā I have also been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix and like many other women out there, Iā€™ve been watching ā€œAnd Just Like Thatā€ā€¦the first two episodes were so beautiful and so poignant, but broke my heart. I canā€™t wait to see what else this season has in store. If you have watched them, what are your thoughts on the shows?

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Christmas spirit all day, every day! I love this time of year, thereā€™s nothing better than having a candle lit, while wrapping presents and watching Christmas presents. Plus, making treats hasnā€™t been bad either. I made some Christmas bark this year and it was so good. Itā€™s super easy to make and itsā€™s easy to save and store. Hereā€™s the recipe I used, thank you Mix and Match Mama!

Look at all this delicious Christmas bark!

What Inspires Me:Ā The holiday season puts me in the best mood. I decorated my room at the end of last month and whenever I put on my tree and light a candle, Iā€™m automatically put in the Christmas spirit. I also canā€™t wait to spend time with family and continue our holiday traditions.Ā I went skating this month and had the best time.

Skating in the city
Buffalo was beautiful.

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been doing a great job at being intentional and present during the holiday season. From the gift buying to the family time and holiday traditions. I wish this season was longer. Even enjoying a hot coco and cookie while driving back from ice skating made me so happy. 

Besides homemade cookies, I can’t resist some Pillsbury cookies too!
Even the shopping malls are all decorated

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got all my Christmas shopping done by my deadline and I got almost all my gifts sent out or wrapped. It was a huge accomplishment! I love all the gift giving but it can be a lot to get everything organized. I donā€™t know how parents do it, they are the real super heroes during the holiday season!

My presents for others all wrapped up under my tree.

Goals for the New Month:Ā Ā Kick off 2022 with my New Yearā€™s Resolutions. I also canā€™t wait to break out my new Simplified planner and start getting ready for the next. As much as I hate to see the holidays come to an end, thereā€™s nothing quite like a fresh start.

Thatā€™s a look into my life this past month, lots of holiday fun and traditions. How are you spending the last few weeks of this year?

Fabulous living

Friends, Friends, Friends!!!

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday and an early happy Fourth of July! The Fourth is one of my favorite summer activities. Not only is it a day for seeing family, eating delicious food, and being outside in the sun, but itā€™s a day to celebrate our country!

This past week has been such a whirlwind filled with so many wonderful moments and memories that I loved making. 

Letā€™s recap!

On Wednesday to Friday my best friend, Bailey, from college came to visit. This was one of the first times a college friend came to visit me, since I live further away from school. During her visit, we did so many things.  

Look who’s here!!!

We started the mini vacay with a drive around my hometown and the happy hour by the bay. 

Beautiful weather for her visit!

We then headed to the beach to listen to live music at sunset. After the live music we headed to get some ice cream before heading back to my house for a cook out. We relaxed for the rest of the night and caught up. 

Sun setting at the beach

We got up bright and early on Thursday morning and headed out for a morning run. It was great to get a workout in, to start the day. 

Hello Morning Run!

We then came back to my house and got ready for a day out in the sun. We got lunch at Saraā€™s, an iconic diner in my hometown.

Introducing her to Sara’s!

We then went kayaking, which was my first time going out, but so much fun! 

After spending time on the water, we went to the beach, we tanned, relaxed, went in the water and even took a nap. 

ALL the beach vibes!
Beach vibes

After spending all day out in the sun, we went back to my house and relaxed. I just started watching Outlander and am obsessed!

We ate dinner and then went out for the night, which was so much fun!

We eased into Friday by going for a hike and then coming back for breakfast before she had to head back to Pittsburgh. 

Hiking before she had to head back to Pittsburgh

I am so thankful for our friendship and her visit. It was so good to be a tourist in my own hometown. We are already planning our next adventure! Much love Bailey!

Thanks for a great visit!!!

After she left on Friday, I quickly had to switch gears since I was going away for the weekend with my high school Madeline to visit our friend Ryan in Buffalo!


We left early Saturday morning and made the journey up to Buffalo. 

Buffalo bound

Once we arrived in New York, Ryan gave us a tour of Buffalo, from his college, Canisius, to downtown Buffalo and the canal side. It was so nice to get a look into his world. 

Checking out his school

We went to the Terrace for lunch, the food was delicious, and the view was even better.

Lunch with my favorite high school pals
Beautiful view

After walking around the city, we relaxed until we went out to dinner at Duffā€™s and had some of their famous wings. They didnā€™t disappoint. We hung out and played some games before calling it a night. 

Did someone say Buffalo Chicken Wings?!

Before, Madeline and I left Buffalo we got brunch at Panoā€™s, a delicious place that was in downtown Buffalo. It was delicious and so filling. 

I love these people

I was so glad to have made the trip to Buffalo and spend some quality time with my high school friends. 

Thanks for being some of my best friends!

These past few days have truly reminded me how lucky I am to have such good, fun, and supportive friends. From high school to college, we all get by with a little help from our friends!