Fabulous living

Seven Years of Blogging

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week, we made it halfway to the weekend!

I am celebrating my blog anniversary this month.

I started to create this little corner on the internet seven years ago as I was finishing up my first year of college. I had just gone through one of the biggest years of growth and change. I moved out of my home, met all new people and went through all the growing pains of being a freshman in college. I started this blog as a creative hobby and outlet and it has grown so much since I wrote my first post. 

One of my first posts

I shared looks of the days, packing tips, my fitness journey, things to organize, and personal topics like eating alone.

Becoming a runner

Now, I share more about my weekly favorites, recipes, and adventures.

Trips to NYC for a day adventure

Over the last seven years, I have gone through college, started my first job, made new friends, lost friends, gone on trips, moved back home, found new hobbies and met my boyfriend.

Time with friends

I’ve shared a lot about myself through my blog, from homesickness, to landing my dream job, and staying true to myself.

So many fashion posts

I’ve also been able to share my favorite things; from beauty products, to fashion trends, travel, books and entertainment. 

A few books from my collection at home.

Every year, I like to look back and see what posts stood out to me the most. This year, the biggest moments come in the form of 24 hour day trips, starting new hobbies in the form of running, playing piano and growing a garden, and being more sure of myself. 

The fruits of my labor

Your 20s can be a challenging time of figuring out your career, being an adult, staying in touch with friends, being involved with family, navigating a relationship and discovering yourself. I really feel like I have found who I am and how I want to live my life over the past year. 

I always say I will blog until it doesn’t bring me joy, but every day I still get excited about writing what I’m feeling and sharing my life with you all. I keep a running list of topics to write about, or favorite things to share, or even stories that I hope can help others who may feel how I feel.

I always learn so much from other bloggers and women and they inspire me every day and make my day a bit brighter. 

I hope I can do that for at least one person. Whether this is the first post of mine you are reading or you have read over 500 of them, thank you for being here and reading what’s on my mind and heart. I so appreciate every read, follow, and comment. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds. Cheers to seven years!!!!

Fabulous living

Ways to De-Stress

Hello all!

Happy May! I hope you are having a great kickoff to your month. May is one of my favorite months of the year! Not only is it my birthday month, but I love the transition of spring to summer. I love the fresh flowers, the warm summer-like days and the summer foods and drinks and treats. May can also be a busy time of year as the school season is wrapping up and it can be stressful for many parents and children. In those stressful moments, I think it’s important to take time for yourself during those busy times. 

Today’s post is all about ways to decompress and de-stress during the hectic moments of life. I’ve compiled some practical ways that work for me to unwind and de-stress, maybe you will find some work for you or your have your own ways to cope with the busy parts of life.

Whenever I get overwhelmed with work or personal stress, I remind myself to breathe. Taking a few minutes to catch my center myself always puts things in perspective for me. After a few moments of deep breathing, I try to pinpoint my stress and go about finding a solution, that often comes in the form of writing a brain dump of things that have to get done, things that’s stressing me out or worries that I have. When I put everything down on paper, it doesn’t seem as daunting. 

After a few moments of deep breathing, putting things in perspective and writing down a to-do list, I find my stress levels decreasing almost immediately. It shows that a few minutes can make all the difference. 

A brain dump always soothes my mind and puts my stress in perspective

The second part of this post is all about ways to unwind and de-stress. These are different practices that have worked for me and done wonders to lower my stress levels. You may have other ways to destress, but whatever way you unwind, make sure you take the time to put yourself first when life can get to be too much to handle. 

Here’s some ways that I like to relax that work for me and you might find these practices work well for you.

Reading-This is one of my favorite ways to decompress. I love to start or end my day by reading. You can truly escape the world and your stressors for a few minutes with a good book. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies and it brings me joy every day. I like to start my day with some me-time, before the day gets underway and reading is one of the ways I set some time aside for myself. Whether it’s reading several chapters or a few pages, I incorporate it every day.

A great way to unwind or escape.

Prayer-This is always an easy way to calm and center myself, whether it’s a big or little issue that’s bothering me, talking to God always helps puts my fears at ease. I typically pray at the beginning and end of every day, but have found myself talking to God more in the car or when I am alone and experiencing downtime. I try to place all my stressors and burdens in his hands, while also remembering to thank him for all his blessings.

Journaling- This is another common practice that I have been doing daily since I went to college. Journaling helps me focus on the positive and finding the good in every day. It also helps me put things in perspective, the little stressors don’t seem as big in the grand scheme of things when you put things down on paper. I also always try to include what I’m grateful for every day. The good always tends to outweigh the bad.

Journaling is my favorite morning and evening activity

Going for a Walk- Whenever I am stressed, sometimes taking a walk right away immediately helps me clear my mind. Fresh air and getting in some steps in relieves my stress. Even if it’s just for five minutes, some fresh air can do wonders, especially if you are inside all day. After a long day in the office, there is truly nothing better than taking my dogs out for a walk. Whether it’s chilly or hot, you switch up your layers to enjoy your walk. I love to go on walks with friends or family, but going on a walk by myself is just as therapeutic too. I even love to take a walk and make phone calls to family and friends to catch up and relax.

A walk does wonders for the soul

Coloring- This was a hobby I loved as a child and picked it up as an adult to de-stress. Coloring soothes and relaxes me especially after a busy day. I enjoy coloring when I’m watching tv or relaxing with family. This practice is mindless and soothing and it’s a great way to focus on a task and get creative too. 

Coloring is a great way to unwind

Turn on a comfort show– If you are looking for something mindless to do to truly unwind, turning on a comfort show or something mindless always helps push my worries away. As I’m typing this post, I have Grey’s Anatomy on in the background. I love the relaxation it provides and how you can chose any episode and pick up right where you left off.

Those are some practices that have helped me unwind and decompress after a long or stressful day. Life can get busy, stressful or overwhelming, and it’s important that in busyness, we take time for ourselves. As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty well.

I hope this encourages you to take time for yourself and put things in perspective in the busy and slow seasons of life.

What are your favorite ways to decompress and take time for yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Wednesday!

Fabulous living

The Importance of Hobbies

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday and happy first week of April! 

I hope you had a peaceful and joyful Easter if you celebrate. It was wonderful to have my family together, even if it was for a short weekend.

Easter always gets me excited for the start of spring, even if it was slightly earlier this year. From the pastel colors to the blooming flowers and the sunshine, there are so many things to love about this time of year.

A joyous Easter weekend filled with lots of traditions.

Even though we had a mild winter, I’m ready for spring and summer. The new season also means the return of some of my favorite hobbies, which brings us to today’s post…the importance of hobbies. I firmly believe that having hobbies or interests outside of work and family and friends are vital for a life of balance and joy. I’ve tried out different hobbies through the years and as an adult found things that truly interest me and bring me joy.

Growing up, I was involved with different activities and interests. I did theater all through middle school and high school. I was involved in National Honor Society, Student Government and other clubs. In college, I had jobs on campus and was a part of different clubs and organizations too, which kept me busy between classes. I was always on the go; I didn’t have a ton of hobbies. I didn’t play a lot of sports growing up and although I was involved with groups and organizations, I didn’t have a ton of extra interests. I always enjoyed reading, journaling and watching movies or catching up on tv shows, and helping my mom in the kitchen, but It wasn’t until end of college that I wanted to develop consistent hobbies that could be a balance outside of work.

Once I started working full time, I realized I didn’t have homework, or other responsibilities to keep me busy like I was used to my whole life, so it was time to find some interests outside of work and family.

Here’s some of the hobbies I’ve picked up and stuck to in the recent years:


I have always loved reading. English was my favorite class in school, I loved going to the library as a child and to this day, I make weekly trips to my local branch. I love getting lost in the stories, being transported to other worlds and learning about different people or places. I didn’t read as much in college, due to other books I was reading for classes, but once I graduated, my time for reading opened up. I tend to go through a book a week, depending on the length and I make weekly stops to my library to pick up or return books. I love browsing the shelves for new books, but I always have a long “To Be Read” list of recommended books from blogs, friends, and family. I have even started to download a book on my phone, so I always have a book with me, but I tend to stick with a book I can hold as opposed to a digital book. I spend so much time on screens every day, it’s nice to put it down and focus on something else. Last year, I read over 50 books and I hope to exceed that goal this year. I tend to read first thing in the morning and right before bed at night as a way to ease in and out of the day, but that doesn’t always happen. I always tell myself, as long as you read something, even if it’s just a page, that counts. Reading has been such a relaxing and soothing outlet for me to unwind and forget about the everyday stressors. 

One of my latest favorite reads….American Royals by Katharine McGee


Growing up, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen baking and cooking. I enjoyed baking in high school and college, but it wasn’t until I graduated college that I wanted to take my cooking skills to the next level. I started to cook one meal a week to work on my skills in the kitchen and to learn new recipes. Although, I took a hiatus with trying new meals in the kitchen due to a busy schedule, I’m back on track for trying new meals. I have enjoyed learning family recipes and researching new things to try. I’m getting more comfortable in the kitchen using different tools and ingredients and it’s been fun to have my family benefit from my new meals. The best part is that I’m building up my own cookbook for when I am on my own. Here’s how I plan out my recipes. I also have tried different baked goods recipes along the way too. From cookies, to cakes, and all things in between, it’s been fun to replicate some of my favorite desserts.

I’ve truly loved learning new recipes and getting comfortable in the kitchen.

Working Out/Running

In college, I started working out as a way to keep me busy and to stay active and fit. I wanted to continue that healthy lifestyle while I was working, so I found a gym and started going five days a week. I learned different skills and techniques in the gym, and I love the stress reliever it provides and that it helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I consider working out a hobby, it brings me joy and it’s something I’m passionate about. Last year, I wanted to challenge myself and start to run, I’ve talked about my running journey here and have truly found a love for running. I consider running one of my newest hobbies. I love the sense of accomplishment after a run, I love how I can clear my mind, and I love to see how far I can go. I do need to improve my speed, but that’s something that takes time and I’m okay with.

One of my latest runs and recent records


This was a new hobby I picked up last summer and hopefully can continue it this year. I always wanted to grow a garden and finally gave it a try last year. It took lots of patience and tending, and plenty of trial and error, but I was thrilled with the end result, even if it wasn’t as plentiful as I hope. I learned a great deal about growing and harvesting and I can confirm that homegrown veggies taste way better than store bought. I loved seeing my hard work pay off and I loved that I could use my veggies in recipes. Plus, it was great to spend more time outdoors by tending and checking on my garden.

The fruits of my labor


This is my latest hobby, which has been one of the more challenging hobbies. I took piano lessons when I was younger but didn’t keep up with them. We have a piano in our home that was sitting idle, and I decided I wanted to try to pick up the hobby again. I have been slowly teaching myself through an app, Simply Piano, and it’s been an interesting learning experience. I have found that like anything, you have to be disciplined with it. For me, that means practicing every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes a day or on the go in the app. I spend more time practicing on my days off but try to get it in every day. Some days, I am on a roll and loving the lessons, other days, I hit a plateau and get stuck on the lesson. But I am slowly learning the instrument once again. Another personal challenge I’ve faced is that my dog hates it when I play and will cry or howl the entire time, which can cause stress and be a distraction. I will try and practice when he is outside, but it doesn’t always shake out that way. This has been one of the more challenging hobbies I have tried, but I am slowly learning it. My favorite part has been learning to play my favorite songs. 

A recent accomplishment

Those are some of the hobbies I’m currently trying to incorporate into my day-to-day life. I don’t know if I will keep up with them for the rest of my life, but for now, they bring me joy and purpose and balance outside of work, family and friends. They are little ways I can take care of myself and don’t take up too much of my time. I think that’s the important thing about hobbies, they don’t have to be super expensive or any everyday thing. They can be simple way to take care of yourself and do something for me. Another thing that I have learned about hobbies is that it’s all about making time for them. You may think “I don’t have time for a hobby or to try something new”, but I promise you that if you really care about it and want to do it, you will find the time. I always seem to find a minute here or there to read a few pages of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, it’s all about how you structure and use your time. 

I hope this gives you some inspiration about finding a new hobby or re-learning an old one. Don’t be afraid to try something new or put yourself first, it may surprise you, how a little change could make a big effect.

Tell me: what are some hobbies you have picked up or are enjoying? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy hobby-ing!

Fabulous living

Spring Bucket List

Hi friends!

Happy Wednesday!

We are just one week away from the start of Spring! I have experienced a MILD winter, but I am still giddy for more sunshine, warmer air, and outdoors.  We had 70 degree weather last week, followed by fresh snow this weekend. Needless to say, Mother Nature needs to make up her mind.

With that being said, a new season brings a new bucket list of things to do.

I didn’t accomplish as many things as I wanted to on my Winter Bucket List due to the fact we had very little snow. However, I am still pleased with everything I did get done during the slower months of winter. I spent a lot of time reading, watching movies and tv shows, and trying new recipes for dinners and baked goods. Because the weather was so mild, I managed to still get outside a good chunk of time for either walks or runs. I’m a firm believer in getting outdoors as much as possible, you just have to dress for the weather. I have done walks in 25-degree weather and 90-degree weather. You may get hot or cold while outside, but as long as you are dressed appropriately, there’s always an opportunity to move your body and get some fresh air.

Here’s a look at my Winter Bucket List and everything I accomplished. 

As we get ready for Spring, here’s a look at some ideas for fun things to do over the next few months.

Outdoor Walks

Trips to the Zoo

Ice Cream Dates

Decorate for Spring

Switch over Spring Wardrobe

Increase my Running Mileage to Six Miles 

Spring Planting/Gardening

Try New Spring Salads

Use More Citrus in Recipes

Celebrate Easter

Read Outside

Baseball Games

Spend More Time Outdoors

Celebrate my Birthday

Celebrate Memorial Day

These are just some ideas/goals for the next few months. The list will change as more things get added to the calendar, but I always like a good list to refer back to when I’m in a rut and looking for things to do. Tell me: what are some things you hope to accomplish over the spring months? 

Share them below!

Happy Wednesday!

Fabulous living

Using the Good Things in Life

Hello everyone! Happy First full week of March! We hit 70 degrees on Monday, the sun has been out longer and I’ve gotten more walks in to embrace the warm weather. It has been a great start to a new month. Today’s post is a bit personal, but I hope you will stick around until the end.

Remember those shoes you always wanted as a child and when you got them, you were afraid to wear them and risk getting them dirty or ruined? Or maybe you kept holding off on using your good dishes because you were afraid you would break them? We have all been there. We sometimes long for items and never end up using them or don’t use them as much as we should. Today’s post is a little different and more personal, as I’m sharing about the importance of not waiting and using the good things in life. 

This topic came to me around the holidays, we were getting the table set for Christmas dinner using the good China and linen napkins. I always enjoy a good party prep and entertaining, I thought it was such a shame that fine China and fancy items only get used so often or for special occasions. While I know it’s important to honor and celebrate the big moments in our lives with fun items to mark the occasion, why can’t we use the linens more often? Or who says we can only use good plates for holidays? No one. I realized we can permit ourselves to use the nice dishes or wear the dress we have had in the back of our closet, or even add some expensive jewelry to our everyday outfits. What’s the point of having these items if we aren’t going to enjoy them to their fullest?

When I came to this realization last year, I allowed myself to use the good things, take the opportunities and experiences and not wait or put them off and I hope after reading this maybe you will too. Over the past few months, I have been trying to use what I have or the things I don’t use as frequently and incorporate them more in my everyday life. 

Here’s how I’m doing that:

Clothing: I have a lot of clothes, but I find myself reaching for the same items on days off or to wear to work. I decided to make more of an effort to change up clothes for work or outfits that I was wearing on days off or out to appreciate what I had. Instead of just wearing leggings and a hoodie on a day off (which still happens), I decided on jeans and a nice top to wear out for errands. I felt better about my appearance and better that I was wearing something I hadn’t worn in a while. 

Appliances/Gadgets: I got a Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas last year and used it a handful of times but took a hiatus due to a busy schedule and the fact it was stored in a place that isn’t always convenient to get it when I wanted to use it. I decided that I enjoyed using it and it made cooking and baking easier, so I would walk the extra few steps to get it out when I wanted to cook with it. 

Experiences: My friends and sometimes family often talk about things we want to do or try or adventure, but they don’t end up happening due to life or commitments or forgetting about it. I’ve tried to make more of a point to actually plan the trips or outings when I am with family of friends. For example, one of my friends and I are both book-worms and enjoy supporting local businesses and reading new books. I heard about a local book sale happening and made plans with my friend to check it out. We easily could have talked about it and not acted on it, but we made it a point to find a time that worked well for both of us and go to make it happen. Rather than going around in circles talking about if we want to go someplace or do something, you are making a decision to make it happen.

That’s the lesson, make the decision and don’t be afraid to use the good things in life. What’s holding you back? Give yourself permission to take the risk or make the jump and use the good things in life instead of having them sit.

Let me know your thoughts on this. How do you feel about making the big jumps and using the finer things in life?

Fabulous living

Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Hello All! 

Happy February! I’m SO ready for a new month. January was slow and steady and a great month for relaxing and resetting, but I was ready to flip the calendar. The holiday months tend to go by in the blink of an eye and some of the calmer months seem to take their time. Nevertheless, I’m ready for what this new month will bring.

One of my favorite things about this month is celebrating Valentine’s Day. I have always enjoyed celebrating this holiday, but I have grown to love it even more as I have gotten older. I think Valentine’s Day is a great day to remind the people in your life how much you care for them and as a way to show your appreciation to them. I always love to plan Galentine’s Day meetups with friends that live close by or send cards to those who live far away. The heart shaped candy, themed events and red, pink and white decor always brings a smile to my face in the middle of winter. 

You can go all out or keep it low key when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day. In honor of the holiday, I thought I would round up a few ideas that can be used for a date night out or girl’s night in, you can even do some of these activities on your own or throughout the whole month. 

Here’s some Valentine’s Day Celebration Ideas:

Candle Making- This is becoming a popular activity and would be so fun to do with your girlfriends as a big group or one on one with your significant other. You learn how to make the candles and have something to bring home at the end of the night. As someone who loves to light candles, this would be so fun. I attended a candle making workshop last year and LOVED it, you can read about my experience here. 

Such a fun activity!

Local Performance-If you are a fan of the arts and culture this would be a great experience as a treat for you and your date. Whether it’s a big show or your local theater, heading to see a performance is a great way to get out on the town for a date night and some fun, of you are both into sports, choosing a sporting event wouldn’t be a bad idea either, choose an activity that you both enjoy!

A night out for a show!

Ice Skating and Hot Cocoa-If you are looking for an afternoon out or are looking to celebrate the big day the weekend before, Ice Skating and Hot Cocoa go hand in hand. Some cities may have rinks open outdoors if you are looking for a fun atmosphere, but an indoor rink works just as well. You are getting some exercise in and getting some one-on-one time together, finish off the date off with some hot chocolate or a warm beverage. If skating isn’t your forte, bundle up and take a long winter walk with your warm drinks, another way to spend quality time together. 

Hot cocoa
and ice skating…the perfect combo!

Homemade Meal-As much as I love a night out, I am a homebody, so I love a good homemade meal as opposed to braving the elements in the middle of winter. Whether it’s a new recipe or a favorite of yours and your date, nothing says love, like some hard work in the kitchen. You both can spend time preparing the meal together and enjoy the fruits of your labor with your meal. To make things fun and special, dress up for the dinner, light some candles and use the good plates or buy accessories for your dinner. Yes, leggings may be more comfortable, but you may feel better being all dressed up.

Nothing better than a warm cooked meal

Out for Dessert– Many people may choose to go out for drinks and snacks or appetizers, but I am more of a dessert gal. Sometimes when I go out to eat, I enjoy my meal so much that I don’t leave room for dessert. I am a sweet tooth girl, so I love the idea of heading out just for dessert, whether you eat at home and then go out or if you your whole date is the dessert, head to your favorite restaurant or bakery and indulge on some Valentine’s Day sweets with your sweetheart. 

Dessert for the win!

I hope this list gave you some ideas of ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day this year. I am always looking for different unique ways to celebrate the holiday. Whether it’s big or small, be sure to tell the people in your life how much you cherish them. 

Happy February!

Fabulous living

2024 Winter Bucket List

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week so far, as we make our way through the middle of January. Winter is here and it won’t be going away for a while, at least for me. All of our Christmas decorations have been taken down and we have transitioned to winter decor, which includes cleaner surfaces, more empty spaces, and simpler decor. 

Now that the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is behind us, as sad as I was to have seen it go, it has been nice to have less stuff around the house, more freedom in my schedule and start on a clean slate for the new year. It’s also gave me time to plot out my goals for the winter months, which includes my winter bucket list.

Here’s some fun things I want to accomplish over the next few months:

  • Complete Simplicity Challenge
  • Hockey game
  • Ice skating
  • Sled riding
  • Reading by the fire
  • Find a new show to binge watch 
  • Play more board games and puzzles
  • Try new recipes in the kitchen
  • Work on my new hobbies for the new year
  • Winter walks followed by warm drinks
  • Skiing (either downhill or cross country)
  • Movie and junk food day
  • Celebrate Valentine’s Day

This is just a start of some of the things I want to accomplish over the next few months in addition to work, spending time with family, seeing friends, and daily happenings. 

After a busy end of the year, I like to give myself more grace and space in the new year for rest, house and work projects and downtime. As much as I LOVE the holiday season, it is nice to have an open schedule in the new year.

That’s a look at my Winter Bucket List, as we start the new year and season, what are some things you hope to accomplish in the winter months? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Fabulous living

2024 New Year’s Resolutions

Hello All!

Happy New Year and Happy January!

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I thoroughly enjoyed my holidays with my family. We ate lots of food, enjoyed our favorite holiday traditions together and made some wonderful memories. I have no complaints about my holidays, everything was merry and bright and filled with joy.

A look at our New Year’s Eve spread

We are in a new year which means it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s goals and resolutions. I always enjoy the feeling of fresh starts and new beginnings. Get me a new planner, a fresh sheet of paper and pen and I am one happy girl. I am doing the 2024 Simplicity Challenge through Simplified this year again, so be on the lookout for a post on that in the coming weeks. As a new year begins, I also like to take some time to look back on how far I’ve come and what worked from the year before and what didn’t before I start plotting for the year ahead.

As a quick recap, my goals for 2023 were to eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished), take advantage of local spots and parks (I did a good job with this in the spring and summer, but fell off the wagon a bit in the fall and winter), plan to do things on days off (I was really proud of how I used my vacation days and weekends to the fullest by planning things to do with friends and building in down time), and continue to grow in my profession (I accomplished this by tackling new projects and assignments through the year.)

My motto for 2023 was to “Embrace Change”, even though the year didn’t bring all the changes I was anticipating, I still did my best to be flexible and adaptable through the year and embrace whatever came my way.

As far as 2024 goes, my motto or phrase of the year is “Be Open and Aware of Change”. I am someone who loves and craves her routines and rhythms and doesn’t do well with change. This year I want to do better with being open to change and adapting to it and not fearing it. I also hope to be more flexible and not as rigid with a schedule, (we will see how that goes, but I am up for the challenge).

I really liked the routines and hobbies I established last year, and I want to continue and build off them in the new year. For example, I took on the hobby of running and grew to love it. I want to continue to run and work on my speed and distance this year. I also made sleep and self-care by establishing a good morning and evening routines and establishing better boundaries and I was to continue that in 2024 as well.

From 2023 to 2024, I have list of goals and resolutions for the next twelve months, here’s what I hope to accomplish in 2024:

-Donate Blood– I am not a fan of needles, but I have heard so many good stories about donating blood. I also know so many people who donate and who benefit from it. I want to give back more this year and this is one way I can achieve that.  I hope to get over my fear of needles but donating blood to help others and possibly save a life.

Do an 8K or 10K -This is building off my new hobbies from last year. I want to challenge myself and run an 8K or 10K. I really have grown to love running and I want to challenge myself this year by upping my mileage and doing more races. I have lucked out with fairly nice weather in the fall and winter to continue to run outside and I plan to do that for as long as possible until I have to run on a treadmill indoors. I’m hoping by setting these goals it will challenge me to run farther and faster.

Re-Learn Piano– Speaking of hobbies, I want to re-learn to play piano. I learned when I was in middle school but didn’t put in the time and practice that I needed to keep up with it. Now, that I’m an adult and I have a bit more freetime, I want to re-learn piano this year as a creative outlet and to challenge myself in a new way. I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes and how quickly I recall things from my earlier lessons.

-Learn how to braid hair-This may seem very silly, but I have never learned how to braid hair and I want to learn this year. This may only take a few YouTube videos and a few hours, but once again, I am looking for a creative outlet with this hobby and I;;m looking to learn a new skill

-Cook a New Recipe a week– I started doing this a few years ago and then I slipped but I want to get back to trying new meals each week and cook for my family. I love being in the kitchen whether it’s for cooking or baking and I want to continue to use my skills and learn new recipes, so when I am out on my own, I have plenty of recipes to cook. I also think cooking is a skill that you can always get better at, and I want to be savvy in the kitchen. 

These are some of my big goals and resolutions for the new year, I have a few others that are a bit more personal, but these are goals that I think are attainable and realistic. 

Tell Me: As we begin a new year, what are some goals or resolutions that you want to achieve? Let me know in the comments below so we all can hold each other accountable and lift each other up. Have a great first week of the new year. 

Fabulous living

2023 Year in Review

Hello all! Happy Christmas week! I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones and lasting memories.

A look at my tree on Christmas Day.

It’s the end of the 2023, this year flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was setting goals and resolutions for the next 12 months and here we are almost 365 days later with most of them accomplished.

Going into 2023, I anticipated it to be a year of change and new beginnings and while there was change and I tried new hobbies and went to different places, this year was filled with lots of routine and structure which I love and crave.

Over the past twelve months, I have kept in touch with friends from out of town and made it a point to touch base with them either in-person or via facetime. I traveled a lot this year by taking day trips or longer vacations with my family. I continued to grow in my profession by working on different long-form projects and challenging myself each day. The biggest things that stand out to me from this past year would be my newfound love of trying different hobbies. 

What a year for 2023!

Let’s take it back to January for a recap of this year before we get into my favorites of 2023:

The year began with lots of cozy days indoors and lots of cooking, I tried lots of new recipes this year from soups, to pizzas, and baked goods. 

A new recipe, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup
Fresh cookies too

Even though it was cold outside, I bunded up and took winter walks to some of my favorite spots, as much as I love the hygge vibes of being inside, there’s nothing quite like getting fresh air and exercise.

Winter walks in the snow

February brought a day trip to Cleveland for a day at the Art Museum and dinner and a show.

A show in the city at night!

The second month of the year brought Valentine’s Day and the first of many uses of my Kitchen Aid.

First time using my kitchen aid
The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!

March was a continuation of testing out new recipes and getting outdoors more as the temperatures began to rise. 

First Zoo trip of the year

Spring finally made an appearance in April with Easter, family time and the start of sunshine.

First of spring walks
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!

April also brought the start of my running journey.

Some of my early runs

May took me to Canada and my first visit to Niagara on the Lake, Ontario for a work trip.

Picnic season was back in May and I celebrated my 25th birthday.

Picnic season
Celebrating 25!

I tried to spend as much time outside in the summer. This summer I began to grow my first garden which saw success for its first season. I also began running consistently in preparation for my first 5K.

Runs at the beach!

June was a month of travel with day trips to Columbus and NYC for a day, which you can read about here.

The sights and sounds of NYC

I also got a chance to visit family in New Jersey which was well overdue. 

The beauty of the beach!

July began with the Fourth of July included lots of running, checking on my garden, walks, and reading poolside. 

Our Fourth of July spread
My first set of veggies! Peas!
Reading by the pool days
More running

August began fast and furious with my first 5K, then it was off to a day trip to Toronto.

Finishing my first 5K!
The iconic Toronto sign

My family and I got away for a few days to San Diego which was great to have quality time together and go to new places.

Hello San Diego!

Summer wrapped up with bonfires, ice cream and more success of my garden.

Summer S’mores!
Soaking up summer with every last ice cream!
The fruits of my labor

The fall was a time of savoring the outdoors as much as I could and seeing the seasons change. 

Hello fall walks!

As it got colder and I stayed indoors more, that meant more time in the kitchen by trying new recipes for baked goods and dinners. 

Back in the kitchen

November and December brought me my first Turkey Trot followed by Thanksgiving and getting into the Christmas spirit and celebrating all month long.

Turkey trotting!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home
All is calm, all is bright.
A very Christmas spread

This past year brought lots of favorites too.

Here’s some of my all-time favorite things from 2023:

Favorite Book: Spare-I know it was a controversial book, but I found it fascinating to read all about Prince Harry and his life from his perspective. I also have been a fan of the Royal family for years, so his autobiography was very eye-opening. Plus the timing between the death of the Queen in 2022, Charles’ Coronation in May and final season of the Crown makes his story even more prevalent.

Favorite T.V. ShowThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ended this year, I really loved following this show from the beginning and thought the ending was so fitting and fulfilling. A close runner-up would be Ted Lasso, another favorite from this year

Favorite MovieBarbie– This should be no surprise but I really enjoyed the Barbie movie this year. Although, I’m not a Barbie super fan, I thought it was very well done and had a great message.

Favorite Fashion Item– Tennis dress from Amazon– I wore this so many times this summer. It was so easy to throw on during a hot day or after work. It was fashionable and affordable and I loved the color, perfect for summer!

Favorite New PodcastThe Lazy Genius– I was introduced to this podcast and find it so helpful when it comes to life hacks and ways to streamline things in your life. Although, my all-time favorite podcast is the Simplified podcast.

Sometimes I listen to the Lazy Genius

Favorite App- Substack– I love using substack to keep up with some of my favorite authors and writers like Emily Ley from Simplified and Elizabeth Holmes for all things Royals.

Favorite New Hobby– My favorite new hobby from this year has been running. I never thought I would be a runner and love it as much as I do, but here we are. You can read about my running journey here.

One of my latest runs

I am also proud of my consistency with growing my first garden this year. 

My tomatoes!

Favorite Trip- Doing New York City in a day was exhausting but so worth it and I made so many memories with my family when we went to San Diego.

Memories from family trips!

This year was so full with new adventures, building relationships, growing in my profession, spending time with loved ones and trying new hobbies. The best way I can describe this year is by feeling fulfilled. 

Here’s a look at the resolutions I set out to accomplish this year. My top goals were to Eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished big time), I wanted to take advantage of local spots and park (which I did a great job especially in the spring and summertime), Plan to do more things on days off (I accomplished this by doing day trips and making the most of my vacation days), and lastly, I wanted to continue to grow more in my profession (I achieved this goal by tackling different work projects and tasks).

I’m proud of myself of how I have grown and evolved this past year and I’m excited to see where 2024 takes me. 

Cheers to closing the chapter of 2023 and starting fresh for 2024.

Here’s to a new year!
Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List 2023

Hi All! Happy Wednesday!

It’s the first full week of December. I hope you are soaking up the Christmas cheer and magic of the holiday season, I know the big day will be here soon, so these next few weeks are all about enjoying the holiday season. To make sure I enjoy it to the fullest, I like to create a seasonal/Christmas Bucket List. A bucket list gives me ideas for things to do and makes sure I accomplish everything I want to do. If you are looking for some ideas this holiday season, I hope this list helps you.

2023 Christmas Bucket List

Decorate for Christmas (Swap Out Scents and Mugs and Cups)

Christmas Shopping

Set Deadline for Picking Out Gifts, Buying and Wrapping (to minimize stress down the line)

Give Back to Others (by donating time, gifts, and baked goods)

Try a New Christmas Recipe

Bake Christmas Cookies

Build A Gingerbread House

Enjoy Hot Chocolate

One Christmas Activity a Week

Go Ice Skating

See Christmas Lights

Read Christmas Books

Listen to Christmas Music

Family Christmas Card

Go to a Christmas Concert

Exchange Gifts with Friends

Spend Time with Family

Light a Fire 

Watch Traditional Christmas movies (Frosty, Rudolph, A Year Without a Santa Claus, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation)

Watch the Santa Clause Series

Watch Apple TV Christmas Special

Get a Christmas Tree and Decorate it

Celebrate Christmas and New Year’s

It may seem like a lot to do in 25 days, but I have already made a dent in my Christmas Bucket List. I hope this gives you some inspiration and ideas for some Christmas cheer over the next few weeks.

 I hope you have a festive week!