Fabulous living

Ways to De-Stress

Hello all!

Happy May! I hope you are having a great kickoff to your month. May is one of my favorite months of the year! Not only is it my birthday month, but I love the transition of spring to summer. I love the fresh flowers, the warm summer-like days and the summer foods and drinks and treats. May can also be a busy time of year as the school season is wrapping up and it can be stressful for many parents and children. In those stressful moments, I think it’s important to take time for yourself during those busy times. 

Today’s post is all about ways to decompress and de-stress during the hectic moments of life. I’ve compiled some practical ways that work for me to unwind and de-stress, maybe you will find some work for you or your have your own ways to cope with the busy parts of life.

Whenever I get overwhelmed with work or personal stress, I remind myself to breathe. Taking a few minutes to catch my center myself always puts things in perspective for me. After a few moments of deep breathing, I try to pinpoint my stress and go about finding a solution, that often comes in the form of writing a brain dump of things that have to get done, things that’s stressing me out or worries that I have. When I put everything down on paper, it doesn’t seem as daunting. 

After a few moments of deep breathing, putting things in perspective and writing down a to-do list, I find my stress levels decreasing almost immediately. It shows that a few minutes can make all the difference. 

A brain dump always soothes my mind and puts my stress in perspective

The second part of this post is all about ways to unwind and de-stress. These are different practices that have worked for me and done wonders to lower my stress levels. You may have other ways to destress, but whatever way you unwind, make sure you take the time to put yourself first when life can get to be too much to handle. 

Here’s some ways that I like to relax that work for me and you might find these practices work well for you.

Reading-This is one of my favorite ways to decompress. I love to start or end my day by reading. You can truly escape the world and your stressors for a few minutes with a good book. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies and it brings me joy every day. I like to start my day with some me-time, before the day gets underway and reading is one of the ways I set some time aside for myself. Whether it’s reading several chapters or a few pages, I incorporate it every day.

A great way to unwind or escape.

Prayer-This is always an easy way to calm and center myself, whether it’s a big or little issue that’s bothering me, talking to God always helps puts my fears at ease. I typically pray at the beginning and end of every day, but have found myself talking to God more in the car or when I am alone and experiencing downtime. I try to place all my stressors and burdens in his hands, while also remembering to thank him for all his blessings.

Journaling- This is another common practice that I have been doing daily since I went to college. Journaling helps me focus on the positive and finding the good in every day. It also helps me put things in perspective, the little stressors don’t seem as big in the grand scheme of things when you put things down on paper. I also always try to include what I’m grateful for every day. The good always tends to outweigh the bad.

Journaling is my favorite morning and evening activity

Going for a Walk- Whenever I am stressed, sometimes taking a walk right away immediately helps me clear my mind. Fresh air and getting in some steps in relieves my stress. Even if it’s just for five minutes, some fresh air can do wonders, especially if you are inside all day. After a long day in the office, there is truly nothing better than taking my dogs out for a walk. Whether it’s chilly or hot, you switch up your layers to enjoy your walk. I love to go on walks with friends or family, but going on a walk by myself is just as therapeutic too. I even love to take a walk and make phone calls to family and friends to catch up and relax.

A walk does wonders for the soul

Coloring- This was a hobby I loved as a child and picked it up as an adult to de-stress. Coloring soothes and relaxes me especially after a busy day. I enjoy coloring when I’m watching tv or relaxing with family. This practice is mindless and soothing and it’s a great way to focus on a task and get creative too. 

Coloring is a great way to unwind

Turn on a comfort show– If you are looking for something mindless to do to truly unwind, turning on a comfort show or something mindless always helps push my worries away. As I’m typing this post, I have Grey’s Anatomy on in the background. I love the relaxation it provides and how you can chose any episode and pick up right where you left off.

Those are some practices that have helped me unwind and decompress after a long or stressful day. Life can get busy, stressful or overwhelming, and it’s important that in busyness, we take time for ourselves. As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty well.

I hope this encourages you to take time for yourself and put things in perspective in the busy and slow seasons of life.

What are your favorite ways to decompress and take time for yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #90

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend! I know I am. This was a fairly normal and routine week, which I will happily take. I am looking forward to some time outdoors this weekend as the temperatures continue to increase, plus in my opinion, there’s nothing better than some sunshine for the soul.

Signs of spring!

As we gear up for the weekend, I’m sharing some of my favorite things from the week as I link up with  Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites. This week is a mix of life hacks, entertainment, home decor and snacks! Let’s dive right in!

Everything Bagel Crackers- This is the last favorite from my Trader Joe’s haul. After getting some classic staples, like the everything bagel seasoning, and something sweet with the orange jelly sticks, I wanted to look for something salty and I found these Everything bagel crackers. They have been a favorite of mine since I got them. I love the crispness of the cracker with the flavoring of the seasoning. These are perfect to add to your next appetizer night with cheese and fruits, or they would be great for dips and spread or just eating them by themselves for a quick treat. I will be enjoying these for as along as I can.

New Bridget Jones Movie– Did you hear the news?! A new Bridget Jones movie is set to come out in 2025. I loved the original movies and the sequels were added bonuses. Supposedly Renee Zellweger and Hugh Grant will be back for the fourth movie. I can’t wait to see what it will all entail and who else could be making an appearance. Rom Coms are coming back in full force and I am here for it! Here’s an article with more information about it. 

New Candle- The timing couldn’t have been better that just spring was approaching I was in need of a new candle for my room. I got this sweet, floral smelling candle from Yankee candle as a gift, and it immediately has me dreaming of fresh cut flowers. The scent isn’t too overpowering, but it feels the room with a spring-like scent, and it does linger after I blow it out. I love the three-wicks and find that they tend to last longer.  I don’t typically get candles from Yankee Candle due to the cost, but it’s always nice to be given something to indulge in and savor. I can’t wait for flowers to bloom to start adding fresh cut flowers to my desk. 

Weekly Goals– This is a new practice I just started this year, and it has worked really well for me. I have started setting weekly goals. These are NOT habits that I want to incorporate into my everyday routine, rather, a weekly item I want to prioritize. I started writing them at the top of my planner as a reminder and I have been loving this system. A few of my weekly goals have included: get to bed earlier (if it’s a busier week), finish a library book, spend more time outside, order gift for friend etc. These aren’t big tasks or to-do’s, rather they are little reminders that I want to place an emphasis on each week. In the words of The Lazy Genius, I’m naming what matters. If you have a busy or hectic week coming up, I recommend trying this practice as a way to cut down on stress and anxiety.

Irish Wish- If you are looking for a light-hearted and Hallmark-esque movie on Netflix, consider the Irish Wish. It’s all about a young woman who goes to Ireland for her crush’s wedding and makes a wish to fall in love with her crush. Her wish comes true but as she’s dating him, she realizes he may not be as perfect as he seems. It’s a cute movie to have on in the background while you are doing other things, but it is by no means an Oscar-worthy movie. I did love the setting and the casting was pretty good. Not a bad movie, just not my favorite.

That’s a quick round up of what I’m loving this week. I had a shorter work week which is always nice for a break. Now, it’s back to reality. I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend! Happy Spring!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #75

Hello all! 

Happy Friday!

We made it through the first week of January! How was your first week of the New Year? Have you started chipping away at your New Year’s Resolutions or giving yourself some grace this first week of the year? I know I enjoyed getting back into a routine and doing some cleaning, we still have all our Christmas decorations up which makes our home feel extra cozy. Regardless of how you are spending this week, I hope it’s been a good one. 

I saw this quote and thought it was so timely especially if you are embracing these next few months as a slower time.

Today I’m sharing some last of holiday fun and some new favorites from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another roundup of favorites for the first week of the new year!

Books Beach and Beyond– I heard about this podcast, Books Beach and Beyond in the fall but didn’t have a chance to start listening to it until the Christmas holiday. If you are a book lover like me, then you will love this podcast. Author, Elin Hilderbrand hosts the podcast with Tim Ehrenberg, and they talk to different authors about their books, where they get their inspiration from and what projects they are working on. The two hosts have interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid, Colleen Hoover, Ann Patchett and Kristin Hannah, just to name a few. This podcast is so informative, and it gives great insight into the literary world. I really have been enjoying this podcast and hope they bring it back for season two in the new year.

A new favorite podcast

Candy Cane Lane-We watched Candy Cane Lane for a family movie night over Christmas break. The movie stars Eddie Murphy and it’s all about a man who loves Christmas. He participates in a house decorating contest, but gets caught up in signing a deal in hopes of winning, which results in some magic getting out of hand. The movie follows the classic Twelve Days of Christmas song as each of the items comes to life. There are a lot of good one-liners and fun catch phrases in the movie too. This was the perfect family movie that held everyone’s attention in my house. If you are still in the Christmas spirit, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.

Such a cute movie!

Wordle party game– We got the Wordle party game for Christmas and it has been a huge hit in our home. A few of my siblings and I play Wordle every day, so this game takes it to the next level. Up to four people can play the game. One person chooses the five-letter word, and all the players have to guess the word using the same rules as the daily game on the New York Times. If you are a fan of Wordle, this game is definitely worth the buy, plus it forces you to really put your thinking cap on.

A great family game

Mighty Patch– As far as beauty products go, the Mighty Patch has been a new favorite for me. I tried using the Mighty Patches after I got them as a gift and have been impressed with how well they work. These clear patches go over any blemishes you may have for a faster clear-up of your face. You can get them for overnight wear or daily wear. I tried a sample pack of both and found that the overnight patches work better. This product won’t solve all your acnes issues, but it does help if you are looking for a quick fix here or there.

Chopped Pomegranate Salad– I love a good salad, but I’m not one to purchase bagged salads too often due to the expense, I would rather make a salad with vegetables I already have at home and on hand. However, we picked up a few chopped salads to go with some appetizer nights and they were a hit. I really enjoyed this pomegranate salad, it’s a perfect blend of flavors for fall and winter.  We enjoyed this salad with some other snack bites, but it could also go great with a pizza night or with a protein like chicken or steak.

 That’s a look into some of the things that I have been loving this week, from the last bit of holiday fun to games, beauty products and food, there was something for everyone. I hope you have a relaxing and cozy weekend as we begin a new month.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #61

Happy Friday friends and happy end of September! 

This month of transition flew by! Now that we are at the end of the month, I am officially ready for fall come this weekend! Bring on the apple cider, pumpkins and all the fall leaves!

Beautiful fall walks!

This week was a busy one between catching up with friends for walks and meals, doctor’s appointments and setting up appointments. It was a busy, but productive week and now I’m looking forward to the weekend.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s been a few things I’m loving this week.

New Lavendar Pillow Mist Spray– A few weeks ago, in my Let’s Look post, I shared how I use a pillow/room mist spray before bed. Well, right after that post, I finished off the bottle, so it was time to get a new one. I got this Lavendar spray from Bath and Body Works and I have been loving it. The scent isn’t too strong and it’s very subtle. That’s something I always worry about when it comes to the scents, how strong do they come across? Especially when I’m going to be breathing it in for hours. Thankfully, this one isn’t too strong. If you are looking for a room or pillow spray to use before bed, I would recommend this one!

A fresh scent for bedtime.

Kerry Washington and Robin Roberts Interview– I’ve been a fan of Kerry Washington since she starred in Scandal. I loved the show and her acting in it and I have continued to follow her career since then. I was interested in her autobiography, Thicker than Water that came out this week. I plan on reading it soon, however, ahead of the release, she did an interview with Robin Roberts with ABC News that aired on Sunday night. Washington talked a lot about her book and some of the big bombshells from it and what she learned about herself writing it. Washington opened up a lot in her interview with Roberts and after watching it, I saw a whole different side of Washington. After watching the interview, I’m even more eager to get my hands on it. You can find her interview with Roberts here. 

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3- I love a good rom-com and I haven’t been to the movies in ages. My mom and I took advantage of a cooler day and went to the movies to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 and it didn’t disappoint. It was the perfect continuation of the other two movies. Tula and some members of her family head to Greece for a family reunion and of course, the trip doesn’t go as planned. The movie is filled with laughs, romance, gorgeous places in Greece and of course, lots of Greek food. After watching the movie, I was craving Greek delicacies. This was movie was so cute and well-worth the trip to the theater.

Such a cute movie!

New shoes from Anne Klein– Clearly, I have been on a shopping frenzy when it comes to shoes. From brown flats, to black Mary Janes and now some dress shoes from Anne Klein, I have been doing all the shopping. I got these shoes from DSW, and I have worn them for work a lot already. They are super comfortable which is a major win! I love how they are both nude and black so they can work with so many outfits, whether it’s a pair of dress pants, a skirt, or a dress, and with any color!  I also love the small block heel, this makes it great for long days on my feet and I love the thin strap too, another way to make sure your feet stay in place. These shoes can be dressed up and down in both a professional and casual manner. I can’t wait to start pairing them with outfits soon!

New shoes for the new season!

Fall Fruit– I’m in my fruit era and that includes all the end of summer and start of fall fruits. Pears have been my go-to recently. I have been enjoying them with lunches even on salads. They have been the perfect complement to my meals. I always find myself eating more fruit in the summer compared to fall and winter but want to keep up with my fruit intake over the next few months. I can’t wait to go apple picking over the next few weeks and enjoy the apple by themselves and in lots of fruit baked goods too- hello apple muffins, breads, crumbles and pies! 

I have been loving my pears!

That’s a look into what has been on my radar and what I’ve been loving! Tell me, as we say goodbye to September and hello to October, what’s on your October to-do? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fall-tastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #60

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you had great week! Yesterday, was in the 80’s and I took advantage of it by getting in lots of time outside and going on hikes! It was the best way to savor the past warmth of summer!

Soaking up the last rays of summer!

I can’t believe how fast September is going by.  We are more than half way through the month and fall begins on Saturday!  As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites!

This week’s post is a mix of fall fun, some new finds and I need some help from you too! Let’s dive into it!

The Lazy Genius podcast-I know I am late to the game on this one, but I started listening to episodes of the Lazy Genius podcast. I have listened to an episode here or there, but have started to listen to them in my weekly rotation. I like how they are only about a half hour long, there’s practical tips and a quick recap at the end. Some of my favorite episodes have been about morning and evening routines, handling a busy season and meal prepping. Kendra also has such a calm and soothing voice that I’m instantly relaxed when I listen.

85 cent Blizzards– Now through Sunday, Dairy Queen is offering 85 cent small blizzards through their app to celebrate their fall flavors! I tried their snickerdoodle cookie dough blizzard and it delicious! We had a 70 degrees day this past week and it was the perfect way to celebrate the warm weather and enjoy a great deal. 10/10 recommend getting a blizzard this weekend to celebrate fall flavors!

Fall blizzard for the win!

Searching for Fall Graphic Tee-Shirts– Speaking of clothing, I’m on the hunt for a cute fall graphic tee shirt or two! I have a few holiday ones I wear around the Christmas season, but I want a few to wear this fall. I love pairing a graphic tee shirt with leggings or jeans, but I haven’t any cute fall ones yet, so for those who wear graphic holiday tees, where do you get them? Amazon? Target? Walmart? Someplace else I’m missing? What are your favorite brands or styles? I would love to find out where I can get some cute shirts to add to my fall wardrobe! Thank you in advance!! 

The Mother-in-LawThe Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth. It only took me a few weeks, but I got my hands on another Hepworth book. I was looking for another book with some mystery and intrigue and this one delivered. When the matriarch of a well to do family dies by suicide, everyone in the family is stunned. However, not everything is what it seems, when she may not have died by suicide after all. Family members are questioned, secrets start to spill out, and it turns out there may have been different people who wanted her dead. I was taken back by the ending and I’m sure you will too. If you are looking for a good book with twists and turns, this is it!

New Books from the Library- This may be one of my favorite things from the week. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I am an avid reader. I always have a book with me whether it be an audio book or a physical book, although, I do prefer my physical books as opposed to audio or digital. I love reading and getting lost in stories. I typically go the library once a week to either drop off or pick up a book or two. I went to the library this week because several books that were on hold finally came in. My stack of books to be read looks exceptional right now and I can’t wait to dig in and start reading. The only problem I have is which one to start with first! For those who are readers like me, let me know what your favorites are from the stack! Lots of book reviews are coming soon!

We love new books from the library!

What a fun week of Favorites! I’m looking forward to a long weekend with some fall fun mixed in too! The leaves are starting to change and fall fests are starting up soon, that means all the hot apple cider, hayrides, leaf peeping and fall walks! 

Tell me, what are your favorite things about fall/ things to do! 

Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall-ing!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #58

Happy Friday friends! We made it through the first full week of September. How was your week? Productive? Relaxing? Getting adjusted into a new routine? No matter how your week went, I hope it is ending on a high note and you have something fun planned for the weekend. If you are a football fan, then I’m sure you are gearing up for a big weekend as the NFL season officially begins! I’m hoping to catch some of the game this weekend.

As we say hello to the weekend, here’s some things that I’ve been loving as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Cuticle Lotion– I love doing my nails and through the years, I have tried different brands and tools and colors while giving myself my own at-home manicures and pedicures. I have been using this cuticle lotion by Burt’s Bees and have really been loving it. I use a cuticle oil when I don’t have any polish on, and I have been using this lotion on my cuticles as well. Typically, I will change my nail color once a week and on the days when I don’t have any polish on, I will put on the oil in the morning and the lotion at night (or whenever I have time through the day). I like that the lotion isn’t too thick or heavy and I have found that it has strengthened my cuticles. I have used it with polish on but prefer to use it without polish. I only have been using the travel/ sample size and it’s been working well. After I finish the sample size, I will see about investing in the full size, I’ll keep you posted.

Hair Drying Bow– Another beauty product for you this week, I shower at night and try to have my hair fully or mostly dry before bed. I got this hair drying bow and I have been using almost every day. I like how it absorbs the water in my hair after I’m done washing it. There are also essential oils infused in the wrap which leaves my hair smelling good too. Plus, it doubles has a headband which holds my hair back if I’m doing things before bed like reading or watching tv. I think I got this one from Marshall’s or T.J. Maxx, but I have seen ones similar at those stores and Target and Walmart. It’s a fun beauty accessory that has a purpose.

Rice Cakes– I know I am late to the game with this snack item, but I recently discovered Rice Cakes and I have really enjoyed them as a lunch snack. They aren’t super flavorful, so I typically add a spread on top. Since I have been eating them at lunch when I am home, I have been spreading some peanut butter and my homemade strawberry jam on top. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and salty and low calorie too! I know people eat them for breakfast a lot or even as a snack. Since I am new to the rice cake group, tell me, if you are a fan, what do you eat them with? What’s your go-to spread and flavor? I’m open to trying everything!

An easy go-to lunch or snack!

Ear Bud Cleaning Kit– Whether you have Air Pods, Wireless headphones or even regular ear buds, a cleaning kit is a huge help. I got this ear bud cleaning kit a few months back and it has all the tools to clean out headphones, earpieces, even smart watches. There are so many different brushes, fine toothpicks, and other items to really give your headsets a good cleaning. I wear an earpiece for work every day and use some of these tools to clean them out. I have done a thorough cleaning of my Apple Watch and its band and used some of the tools as well. If you use headphones daily, I highly recommend getting a little tool kit to keep things clean. 

A must need for headphones or earbuds!

Sunday Scroll– I mentioned before how I have really been enjoying following some of my favorite bloggers and writers on Substack. It’s a writing platform that has brought me so much joy to read posts from some of my favorite people! Emily Ley recently launched a Sunday Scroll series where she shares some of her favorite books, links, articles, and favorite things. You can learn more here. It only takes a few minutes to read, but it’s been fun to learn new things and find new items. Definitely a light read/ scroll during the weekend.

This week has been a fun one with lots of fun favorites too! I hope you have a great weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #57

Happy Friday Friends and Happy September!

Even though we are in a month associated with fall, I’m holding onto summer for as long as I can. I hope you have something fun planned for Labor Day weekend and the end of the summer season. This weekend, I plan on spending time outside, getting in some pool time and some family time too.

Soaking up summer with every last ice cream!

Before we get to the weekend, I want to share some things I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites.

Becoming Free Indeed– A few months ago, I mentioned I am trying out Audible for a free trial and one of the first books I listened to was “Becoming Free Indeed” by Jinger Vuolo. I grew up watching Jinger Vuolo on 19 Kids and Counting and I have continued to follow her after the show ended. I was interested to read her book about her faith and life and decided to listen to the audiobook version to hear it read in her voice. Through the book, she mostly focuses on her faith and how her relationship with God has changed through her life. She doesn’t focus too much about her family or the drama that has surrounded them in recent years. Overall, I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective about her faith and relationship with God. 

Brown Flats– I got my first taste of fall with this purchase. I was on the hunt for some sturdy but fashionable flats and found them at DSW, they are by Kelly and Katie. I love the extra cushion and support they provide, plus the dark brown allows them to go with dress pants, skirts, and even jeans. Plus, the gold buckle is such a cute accessory. These shoes and fall fashion will make saying goodbye to summer a little less painful.

Katie Couric’s Wake Up Call Newsletter– This isn’t new, but this is something I use every day and wanted to share. One of the first things I do when I get up is check the top news headlines. I get them from various apps and sources, from my local news app, to USA Today, Twitter (X), and then Katie Couric’s Wakeup newsletter that gets sent into my inbox every morning. It covers national and world headlines along with some entertainment news and then some features. It takes only a few minutes to read, but it brings me up to speed every day. You can learn more and subscribe here, definitely a great source if you are looking to get a comprehensive scope of news.

A look at the newsletter

The Morning Show Season 3 Trailer- The new season of the Morning Show begins this month. I’m excited for this upcoming season especially after seeing the trailer that was released last week. It looks like this season will be filled with drama, a cyber attack, some new faces and a lot of morning news. It’s been interesting to see how the show has evolved and changed since its begun and how it brings in what’s going on in the world into the show. I’m excited for some new shows to watch!

Laundry Crystals– Call me crazy, but I love doing laundry. I always like to stay on top of laundry with six people and I’m always interested to see what things are out there to keep my clothes fresh. I have been using these Purex laundry crystals in my washer to keep my clothes fresh. I have used the Unstoppables brand in the past too and have enjoyed how they keep my clothes smelling fresh. They are just a little something extra that keeps my clothes smelling fresh after a wash.

There you have it, a look into some of my favorite and sometimes practical things that I am loving this. As we say hello to September, what things are you looking forward to this month? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #55

Happy Friday everyone!

This week has been a whirlwind. I was on a family trip at the beginning of the week and then jumped right back into work for the end of the week.

Snapshots from a packed full and fun family vacation.

Needless to say, it’s been a busy, but good week. I am looking forward to getting back into my routine next week, but it’s been a good change of pace. We are slowly inching towards back-to-school season. One of my brothers made their way back to school today and the others will follow suit in the next few weeks. This summer certainly flew by, but it was quite a memorable summer. 

I hope you are doing something fun this summer Friday as I link up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s been some of my favorite things from the past week.

Barbie movie- I jumped on the bandwagon and finally saw the Barbie movie with my mom before we left for our trip. I had heard a ton of great reviews and after hearing about all the records it broke in the box office, I had to see it for myself. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. From the fashion, to seeing the accessories and clothes come to life on the big screen and all the nods to Barbie history, this movie had it all. There were a lot of lines that really resonated with me about women, success, how far we have come and how far we still have to go. I agree with other commentators that this movie was more than just about the dolls that thousands of others and I played with growing up. I definitely recommend seeing it!

Such a fun movie!

New Lotion– It’s time for a new scent as we make our way through August. I know some people have signature perfumes and scents they always use, but I personally like to switch it up every few months based on the season and what’s out at Bath and Body Works. I just finished Gingham Gorgeous and now I have moved onto Gingham Vibrant. I tend to get the same scent for both my lotion and body spray. The best way to describe this scent would be a warmer and subtler scent. It’s not as strong and floral as Gingham Gorgeos but still fresh and noticeable. I think it will be a nice transition scent from Summer to Fall.

Nothing better than a fresh scent

Simplified Lunch Box– Did I need this next favorite? No, but am I happy that I got it? YES! I have been eyeing up Simplified’s lunch boxes at Target for several weeks and decided to finally upgrade the one I had since junior year of high school. There are three different patterns to choose from, gingham, floral, and lemon. I went with the floral since it was bright and cheery and matched a lot of my purses too. My favorite thing about this lunchbox is how spacious it is. There is a pouch on the outside for a drink (it fits my Yeti thermos), there’s also a zipper on the outside for napkins or silverware and the inside has a lot of room too. It comes with two food storage containers as well. I can easily fit a sandwich, fruit, veggies, a salad, drinks, and many small containers in the lunchbox. This has been a purchase that was well worth it.

Something new to make lunches fun!

Peaches– We are in peach season over here and I have been enjoying peaches whenever I can. I enjoy them at lunch eating them whole, I have enjoyed them for dessert with some vanilla ice cream and I have even enjoyed them as an appetizer grilled with some crackers and cheese. I can’t get enough of peaches, especially when they are sweet and fresh. I love fruit through the entire year, but there’s always something sweet about them when they are in season. I am always looking for new recipes, if you have any favorites, let me know in the comments below!

The sweetest peaches

Virgin River Trailer– The new trailer for season 5 of Virgin River dropped last week and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s set to return in two installments starting on September 7. This season looks like it will pick up right where it left off from last season. I’m excited to see how a few storylines develops and what questions get answered this season. If you are a fan of the show, what plotlines are you looking forward to the most? Let me know in the comments below!

Whew, what a recap! It’s been a fun week of favorites! Tell me, what are you doing this weekend? Something fun, I hope! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #54

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! It has been a busy week of work and getting ready to go away with my family for a little getaway! I’m looking forward to getting away, going somewhere new and having a great adventure. Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites as I highlight some of my favorite things this week. This is a fun mix of things I have been loving and I hope you will too!

Harry and Meaghan New Project– As an avid fan of Harry and Meghan’s, I am always curious about what projects they are working on. They recently announced this week that they will be working with Netflix to adapt Carley Fortune’s book Meet Me at the Lake. I just finished the book last week and really enjoyed it. You can read more about it here. The book tells the story a young woman who takes over her mother’s resort on the lake. She plans on making some changes when she gets some unexpected help from someone from her past that she always wanted to forgot. I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a week. I’m excited to see how it gets turned into a movie and the fact that Harry and Meghan are behind it excites me too. There are so many books that are being made into movies over the next few years, the book nerd in me is really looking forward to it.

Seafood Boil– I have been trying my hand at some new recipes this summer. From cookies, to drinks and dinners! A few weeks back, I tried my hand at my first seafood boil and I was so pleased with how it turned out and so was my family. I have always thought these meals look delicious, from the seafood of lobster and shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes, but was always intimated to try to make it on my own. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t that hard to make. Essentially, you just boil each of items in a big pot with seasonings and let it simmer. Just be warned, it takes a while to make, so build in enough time for cooking. I got my recipe for it from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me, but you can find your own online to tailor it to your tastebuds. We had two big trays of food that fed six people with leftovers. Definitely a favorite by all and a great summer meal!

The most delicious meal!

Good Reads– As an avid reader, I decided to try out using Good Reads to track of my books. For years, I would just write down the books I have read and want to read in a notebook, but now I’m hoping a Good Reads account will help me keep things more organized. I get book recommendations from friends, blogs, even just displays at the library, so I’m hoping this will give me another avenue for book suggestions. If you have a Good Reads account, what are your favorite parts of the account? I’m looking forward to exploring it more. The hardest part so far has been adding all the books I have read so far.

A new way to track my books!

The Outlaws– I have been spending so much time outdoors and doing all the summer things that I haven’t been watching a lot of movies. I will watch a show or episode of my weekly series at night but haven’t seen a good movie in a while. Last week, I was catching up on some work and watched The Outlaws on Netflix. It tells the story of a couple getting married and at the last second the bride’s parents decide to attend the wedding. The groom is convinced they have secrets especially when his bank gets robbed, and he notices some similarities between the robbers and his future in-laws. This is a funny, action comedy that is perfect for an older family since there is some adult language and rated R. You can find it on Netflix, check it out when you are looking for your next movie to watch on a Friday night. 

Such a funny movie!

New Wall Flower Scent-After a summer of enjoying my lemonade and ice tea wall flower from Bath and Body Works, I had to get a new one. I decided to go with Gingham Gorgeous. I have been wearing this scent as both a body mist and lotion over the past few weeks and I have really found the scent to be refreshing and floral. I can’t wait to try this new scent as a wall flower and enjoy it over the next few weeks.

New scent for August!

That’s a look into life this past week. Some things I’ve enjoyed and things I’m looking forward to. I’m looking forward to all the family time over the next few days! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend!? Happy Friday and happy weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #53

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first week of August. These past few days have been fun with activities and adventures and the fun continues tomorrow as I am running my first 5K.

Getting in all the runs before tomorrow!

I’ll be sure to share all about it in the next few weeks. I’m excited, but a little nervous too. Every week for Friday Favorites, I love sharing some of my favorite things from the week with you and this week is a heavy food week of favorites! Grab your pen and paper as we dig into this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies– I haven’t done baking in a long time simply because I have been spending so much time outdoors and because on warm days, the last place you want to be is in a hot kitchen. However last week, I was inspired to bake and wanted to try a new recipe. I found this recipe from Baked Abundance for Cinnamon Chocolate Chip cookies and I thought they were the perfect warm treat. Although they are not a traditional summer treat, I couldn’t resist trying them. Now, they didn’t turn out like the photos, they were still delicious. I love the mix of cinnamon and chocolate chip. These would be a perfect fall treat, but they would be great anytime of year. You can find the recipe here if you are looking to try them for yourself.

Fresh baked cookies are good for the soul and stomach!

Fox’ ‘Special Forces” Season 2 Cast– The season two cast for Fox’s “Special Forces” came out this week. If you remember, I watched this show last season and really liked seeing celebrities, athletes, and actors all compete in various obstacles to see if they have what it takes to be a special forces operator. I know I could not do all the different challenges that the recruits could do each day. The cast for this season looks really good. I’m excited to see if Tom Sandoval, Savannah Chrisley, Brian Austin Green and even Blac Chyna have what it takes to be a special forces operator. The new season comes out on Monday, September 25. I can’t wait!

Love and Gelato– This book was recommended to me by a friend and it was one of the cutest books I read in a long time. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her mom’s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her mother’s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. After reading this book, you will want to book a trip to Florence.

The sweetest summer book!

Charcuterie Boards– I have been into Charcuterie Boards all summer long. They are so easy to put together for entertaining for friends and family or they are great for a one person meal. I love seeing what’s in my fridge and using what I have to put together a meal for lunch or dinner. You can add whatever you want to your board, I typically like to include some kind of fruit, some veggies, cheeses, some meats and then nuts or crackers. These boards are also great if you have had a long day and are looking to clean out your fridge too. Here’s an example of a recent board that my boyfriend and I enjoyed. So many delicious and healthy options on one plate.

A healthy and filling meal!

Wordle– I know I am way late to the party on this one, but this summer I started playing Wordle and I’m addicted. I never got hooked on it months ago when it first came out, but this summer, I got on the Wordle train. I try to do it in the morning before the day gets away from me, but sometimes it doesn’t always happen. I like the challenge of trying to figure out each day’s word. It’s been such a fun brain game to enjoy this summer. 

My recent stats!

And that’s a wrap on today’s Friday Favorites. Lots of food, a new read and some games. This weekend will be fun between my race and then time with family. Tell me: how are you spending your weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great weekend!