Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #96

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! How has your week been? Fast and furious or slow and steady? I hope it has been everything you have hoped for.

This past week I celebrated Memorial Day and my 26th birthday.

A bright day!
Fun drinks!
A sweet night!

As we gear up for a summer filled weekend, this first weekend of June, I wanted to share somethings I have been loving as I link up with  Erika and Andrea.

 It Ends with Us Trailer– Last year, I read It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover and although it was a different genre and a heavier book than I typically read, I really enjoyed it. I even read the sequel and enjoyed it as well. The book is being made into a movie starring Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni and the trailer was released a few weeks ago. It looks really good and true to the book. I can’t wait to see Lily, Ryle, and Atlas come to life. I know I will be seeing it when it comes out.

New Blue Pants– I got these soft blue pants from Ann Taylor a few weeks ago and finally broke them out for summer! I love the pastel blue, how they are a wider pant and how you can virtually pair them with any bright or neutral top! I wore it with a pink sweater but can’t wait to try it with other combinations. Those will definitely be worn a lot in the summer months especially on cooler days.

Less Screen Time- This is a bit of a personal favorite but I have changed and limited my screen time throughout my day and have noticed a difference in my routine and sleeping. I used to always check my phone first thing when I woke up, it was the last thing I looked at before bed and I would find myself scrolling in the middle of the night if I couldn’t sleep. Now, I do my journaling and reading in the morning and at night before I check my phone. I know we have been hearing it for years to not be on the phone before bed, but after trying it myself, I am on board with it. When I can’t sleep in the middle of the night, I have found reading or mediation helps as opposed to mindless scrolling. I have found myself sleeping longer and deeper when I’m not distracted by my phone. A subtle change, but one that I have found has been making a big difference.

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker cook book Just Eat has been on heavy rotation over the past few weeks in my house. I’ve been making a lot of her recipes of the past few weeks including her shrimp fried rice, and Chinese chicken salad. They were both hits in my house for meals! I’m looking forward to trying more recipes as the summer months go on. 

Shrimp Fried Rice
Chinese Chicken Salad
Can of Cola Cake

Expiration Dates– I had been seeing this book, Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle on so many blogs and finally got around to reading it and it was so good! It’s all about a young woman who gets a paper about every relationship she will be in and how long it will last. There’s a few twists that I didn’t see coming mixed in an oh-so-cute plot. I really loved the theme of live life to the fullest and the lessons you can learn from love.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving this week! Tell me what have you been loving this week?

Have a great Friday! 


Currently #53

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week. Whether it has been a long week or its flying by, I hope this post is a nice midweek pick-me-up. We have been experiencing gorgeous weather over the past few days, it has been in the 80’s and I am here for it, especially in May.

My currently post is a bit earlier this month, due to a special post next week. 

Here’s a look into my life lately.

What I’ve Been Up To:

Since my last Currently post at the end of April, I hit a new running distance of six and a half miles.

Then I conquered my May goal of running 7 miles! I was especially proud of how much I have built up my stamina and I look forward to continuing to do so. 

I have also been enjoying the warm weather and we have been savoring lots of outside time, including eating meals outdoors. At the tail end of April, we ate dinner outside for three nights in a row and it was beautiful, less cleanup, more time outside and lots of fresh air and sunshine. 

Grilling outdoors makes me happy!

My boyfriend and I spent some time detailing cars this month which was hard work but definitely worth it.

I also got to enjoy my first baseball game of the season, the weather was absolutely perfect!

My mom and I celebrated Mother’s Day with a build your own bouquet which was so fun!

I have been enjoying lots of walks with friends outdoors too!

Lots of time outdoors

I made my way to the beach for grilling and to watch the sunset.

First sunset of the season

I made my way to Cleveland for a quick trip and had a delicious meal in Little Italy.

A night out in the city
Followed by a delicious meal!

What I’m Wearing:

In the cooler days of spring, this has been my spring uniform, leggings, slip on sneakers, and a neutral top.

I also got a fresh cut for summer

What I’m Reading:

Lessons in Chemistry– is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s.

Tom Lake- this was a harder one to get into but I’m glad I read it. It’s all about a woman who shares the story about a man she loved before her husband with her grown daughter. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. The theme of the book is all about the lives that parents have before their children. I found the book to be a bit slow at times, but after it was recommended to me by friends and I read about it online I am glad I read it.

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston and it’s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, she’s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!

The Women in Me by Britney Spears is a memoir by Britney herself. I’m glad I read it after it getting recommended to me and after hearing about it when it came out. I have never been a huge Britney Spears fan, but I did learn a lot about the pop singer. I thought she was very open and vulnerable in her writing and sharing of her story. I thought she shed a lot of light on different headlines, and it was interesting to get her perspective on things. However, I wish more things were explained and gaps were filled. Overall, I thought it was an interesting read and I did enjoy talking to my friends who had read it too. I would recommend this for a girl’s book club read if everyone is interested in the topic. 

Outlive– by Peter Attia was a book recommended by Shay Shull and it’s all about longevity from all different aspects of your life. The author focuses on fitness, nutrition, emotional health, mental health, sleep, and how they are all connected. There is a heavy science component to the book but it’s very easy to understand. I really appreciated how the author connects all these different aspects of your life and how you can make small changes for a longer and healthier life. It’s one of the best health and wellness books I have read in a long time.

What I’m Watching:

A lot of my weekly series wrapped up this month, from the Masked Singer to Grey’s Anatomy. 

I have watched a few series based on books I read like Dear Edward and Lessons in Chemistry which I enjoyed both.

I think both books and series could be consumed on their own, but it was nice to visually see the stories I enjoyed so much.

I also started watching the new season of Bridgerton and have been loving this season.

What I’m Cooking: It’s been a busy month in the kitchen filled with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Air Fryer peanut Butter cookies-I started the month out by trying a recipe for air fryer peanut butter cookies. They turned out okay, but I think I will stick to my traditional peanut butter cookies in the oven.

Bacon Chopped Salad- This was super easy to assemble and was so healthy. I know I will be making this again in the summer. Make a salad with all your favorite vegetables, add in grilled chicken, corn, avocado, and chopped bacon and you are in for a flavorful and healthy meal. 

Homemade Chipotle Bowls- This was a super easy to prep and healthy meal. This was my own take on Chipotle’s bowls- just cook rice and your favorite protein and add your favorite veggies and toppings. I personally love corn, black beans, avocados, sour cream, and cheese.

Chicken Caesar Salad Pasta Bowls- Another easy bowl recipe. Cook your favorite pasta with grilled chicken and a caesar salad and combine for a hearty and tasty meal.

Shrimp Fried Rice

Shrimp Fried Rice came from Jessie James Decker’s cook book. I love how this dish was so easy and fast to make in one pan, plus it was filling. The best part was that there was no leftovers.

What Inspires Me:

The sunshine and spring weather!! Here’s a look at some of my favorite moments.

Plus who can resist ice cream?!
Fresh flowers and planting has made me smile!
Grilling by the water
A surf and turf for dinner

What I Accomplished: 

This was a busy month with end of school year fun, people moving home, graduations and celebrating birthdays and holidays.

My puppies enjoyed lots of sunshine!
And time indoors relaxing!

Goals from Last Month: In the midst of all the craziness I did my best to really be present and soak up the season I am in.

Perfect day for a walk this week…blue skies and not a cloud in sight
We got to view the Northern Lights this past month from our home which was such a cool experience.
It was beautiful at night!

Goals for this Month: Summer is officially here and that means it will soon be time for my summer bucket list. I’ll be sharing that soon with you all. 

So many signs of spring!
I also enjoyed some trips to the zoo!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’ve been up to this week. I hope you are having a fantastic week so far. See you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #65

Hello all and happy Halloween weekend! I know Halloween falls on next Tuesday but I feel like this weekend will be a weekend full of celebrating. I know I plan on making some fun Halloween treats, popping some popcorn and enjoying a Halloween movie or two!

Fall out of my kitchen window is BEAUTIFUL!

As the week wraps up, I have a fun roundup of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with with Erika and Andrea .

Love in the Air– If you want a break from Halloween or fall movies and are searching for a light rom-com, I have just the pick for you! Love in the Air on Netflix is all about a woman who takes over her mother’s flight company in Australia. However, it’s on the brink of being closed and being bought by a larger company. After a rocky start when the potential new owner comes to visit, sparks begin to fly between the two. You can figure out the ending from here, but my favorite part was seeing all the beautiful sights in Australia, the entire continent looked gorgeous! If you are looking for a movie to escape for 90 minutes, this is it.

Such a cute movie!

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker’s new cook book, Just Eat, dropped last week and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I love browsing through cookbooks and choosing recipes that look good and attempting to make them on my own. There’s so many sweet and savory recipes that I can’t wait to test out these for myself and my family. Just paging through the book has my mouth watering. I have really enjoyed getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes. I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen with cooking and baking and as an adult I have enjoyed the process of attempting family-favorite recipes and trying new ones too. 

Latest cook book!

Fall Graphic T-Shirt– I briefly mentioned this shirt in my post on Wednesday, but I loved it so much I had to make it its own favorite! I browsed so many stores for a cute, fall graphic t-shirt and thanks to YOUR recommendations I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and I scored a great deal on it on Prime Days! I got this shirt. I love the fabric, how it fits and how it’s just enough fall cheer without going overboard, plus it was very affordable, what more could you ask for in a shirt? I already have a few graphic t-shirts for Christmas, but I may have to check out Amazon again to see if there’s any new styles.

Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream– I always have hand lotion or cream on me, whether it’s at my desk, in my car or in my purse. My hands get dry in the winter and even in the other months of the year, I like to keep my hands moisturized. I have been using Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk hand cream every day and have been really enjoying this lotion. Just be warned, it is a thick and heavy cream which is great if you have really dry skin. Because it is so heavy, you only need a little bit for your hands. I always feel better after applying some lotion at the start and end of the day and this has been a good product to try and use. 

My new favorite and cream!

Kerry Washington “Thicker Than Water” article on Shondaland- I talked about Kerry Washington’s memoir, “Thicker than Water” coming out a few weeks ago and her interview with Robin Roberts. I haven’t had a chance to read “Thicker than Water” yet, but it’s on my to be read list. Recently, Washington did an interview with Shondaland about how Shonda Rhimes encouraged her to write a book in the first place. I’ve really been enjoying seeing Washington on her press tour and all the different guest moderators at her events. This article gives more insight into why Washington decided to write the book in the first place and some of the things she reveals throughout it. After all this prep, I’m looking forward to reading Washington’s book soon.

That’s a look into some of the things I have been loving this week. Some fall stuff, some shows and books and beauty products! As we gear up for Halloween-weekend, how are you celebrating? Scary movies? Costume parties? Lots of candy? I hope you have a fun and festive weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #54

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! It has been a busy week of work and getting ready to go away with my family for a little getaway! I’m looking forward to getting away, going somewhere new and having a great adventure. Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites as I highlight some of my favorite things this week. This is a fun mix of things I have been loving and I hope you will too!

Harry and Meaghan New Project– As an avid fan of Harry and Meghan’s, I am always curious about what projects they are working on. They recently announced this week that they will be working with Netflix to adapt Carley Fortune’s book Meet Me at the Lake. I just finished the book last week and really enjoyed it. You can read more about it here. The book tells the story a young woman who takes over her mother’s resort on the lake. She plans on making some changes when she gets some unexpected help from someone from her past that she always wanted to forgot. I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a week. I’m excited to see how it gets turned into a movie and the fact that Harry and Meghan are behind it excites me too. There are so many books that are being made into movies over the next few years, the book nerd in me is really looking forward to it.

Seafood Boil– I have been trying my hand at some new recipes this summer. From cookies, to drinks and dinners! A few weeks back, I tried my hand at my first seafood boil and I was so pleased with how it turned out and so was my family. I have always thought these meals look delicious, from the seafood of lobster and shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes, but was always intimated to try to make it on my own. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t that hard to make. Essentially, you just boil each of items in a big pot with seasonings and let it simmer. Just be warned, it takes a while to make, so build in enough time for cooking. I got my recipe for it from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me, but you can find your own online to tailor it to your tastebuds. We had two big trays of food that fed six people with leftovers. Definitely a favorite by all and a great summer meal!

The most delicious meal!

Good Reads– As an avid reader, I decided to try out using Good Reads to track of my books. For years, I would just write down the books I have read and want to read in a notebook, but now I’m hoping a Good Reads account will help me keep things more organized. I get book recommendations from friends, blogs, even just displays at the library, so I’m hoping this will give me another avenue for book suggestions. If you have a Good Reads account, what are your favorite parts of the account? I’m looking forward to exploring it more. The hardest part so far has been adding all the books I have read so far.

A new way to track my books!

The Outlaws– I have been spending so much time outdoors and doing all the summer things that I haven’t been watching a lot of movies. I will watch a show or episode of my weekly series at night but haven’t seen a good movie in a while. Last week, I was catching up on some work and watched The Outlaws on Netflix. It tells the story of a couple getting married and at the last second the bride’s parents decide to attend the wedding. The groom is convinced they have secrets especially when his bank gets robbed, and he notices some similarities between the robbers and his future in-laws. This is a funny, action comedy that is perfect for an older family since there is some adult language and rated R. You can find it on Netflix, check it out when you are looking for your next movie to watch on a Friday night. 

Such a funny movie!

New Wall Flower Scent-After a summer of enjoying my lemonade and ice tea wall flower from Bath and Body Works, I had to get a new one. I decided to go with Gingham Gorgeous. I have been wearing this scent as both a body mist and lotion over the past few weeks and I have really found the scent to be refreshing and floral. I can’t wait to try this new scent as a wall flower and enjoy it over the next few weeks.

New scent for August!

That’s a look into life this past week. Some things I’ve enjoyed and things I’m looking forward to. I’m looking forward to all the family time over the next few days! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend!? Happy Friday and happy weekend!


Currently #38

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday. I know February is the shortest month of the year and it certainly flew by. This month has been filled with new recipes, unexpected sunshine and mild weather, lots of books and new shows. Here’s a recap of this past month.

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been keeping up with lots of my favorite hobbies. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I have been putting my new cookbook Just Feed Me by Jessie James Decker to good use by trying lots of recipes. 

Here’s a few that I have tried this month. 

I made Na’an Bread Pizzas
I also made Cilantro Lime Rice and broccoli
And Dirty Rice and Beans
Chicken Chili

We’ve also had such a mild February. With little to no snow, I’ve made the most of the sunshine by getting in lots of walks and outdoor time.

Winter walks in the snow
Followed by warm drinks, even with Santa mugs!

I also got some friend dates for dinners around Galentine’s Day. My boyfriend and I celebrated Valentine’s Day with dinner after work, and we also did a day date to Cleveland at the beginning of the month where we went ice skating, went to the Museum of Art and dinner and a show. It was a packed full day but so much fun!

Skating in the city!
An afternoon at the museum.
And a show at night!

What I’m Wearing: I’ve been wearing Valentine’s day colors all month long. From pink sweaters to red coats. I always love to break out some fun colors around the holidays. These bright colors also help me get in the spring feels which will be here soon.

All pink for the month of LOVE
My red coat made its way out for a date night

What I’m Reading: I got on a Colleen Hoover book train and read two of her books this past month. 

I also finished Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez, this told the story of star-crossed lovers who live in essentially different worlds. A country boy meets city girl, they fall in love but quickly realize they may not fit in each other’s worlds. Will they make it work or have a short-lived romance, you will have to read to find out. (I finished this almost 400 page book in a week-so worth it!)

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

What I’m Watching: New show to me, but I started watching Ted Lasso and love it. I know I’m late to the party but find it so creative and funny. I love all things Great Britian, so I can’t get enough of the British references.

Such a fun show, especially with snacks!

I love the casting and one-liners and can’t wait for the new season to debut this summer. I’ve also been making my way through some movies on my watch list on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I’ve been watching lots of rom coms. Here’s some of my favorites. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris follows the story of a woman who works as a house cleaner and looks to fulfill her dream of wearing a designer gown. This movie takes her from England to Paris where she gets a newfound sense of confidence and makes some friends along the way.

About Fate follows the story of two people in different relationships, one serious, one not so serious, but they run into one another without their significant others and end up spending New Year’s Eve together overcoming one obstacle to another to get to their dates. They end up learning they have more in common than they thought and fate​ keeps bringing them together.

What Inspires Me: Spring will be here soon, or so I hope. As much as I am enjoying winter, I wouldn’t be lying if I said I am looking forward to spring. I am savoring the time indoors and being cozy and working on projects that I may not be able to accomplish in warmer weather.

Fresh flowers make me think of spring too!

What I accomplished: I have been making headway on lots of odds and ends projects, which is a huge accomplishment. I also spent time with family and and friends which is always a good thing!

Goals from Last Month: I was so glad I got to make time for my girlfriends for Galentine’s Day. I enjoyed having one on one time with friends in town and made time for friends further away with facetime calls. I also had a great Valentine’s Day that was filled with lots of baking and sweets.

Some Valentine’s Day treats!
And more treats!
Valentine’s Day fun!
Lots of sweets!

Goals from this Month: March is such a tease for spring with a mix of winter. I am looking forward to getting some warmer days, while savoring the days of winter. 

Cold days and warm drinks are the perfect combination!

That’s just a look into my life this past month, lots of baking, reading, binge watching and walking, throw in some work and family time then you have yourself a perfect month. I’m looking forward to see what next month brings. 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #23

Happy Friday friends! I hope you all had a wonderful week. This was a busy, but good week, so I was very happy when the weekend arrived. 

As the colder temperatures settle in, I have been spending more time indoors. I still have been trying to get outdoors for fresh air and exercise, but it can get tricky. This week’s Friday Favorites is a mix of indoor and outdoor fun. Here’s a few things I’m loving this week as I link up with  Erika and Andrea.

Winter Walks– I took advantage of the mild weather last week and got in a two mile walk on a day off. Thankfully, the wind wasn’t too horrible and I bundled up, but it was so good to get in a nice long walk, have good conversations and get an extra workout in. I’m hoping to make it a habit on days with mild winter weather. 

Just Feed Me– I really enjoyed taking up cooking and trying new recipes last year, but have been slipping due to busy schedules. I got Just Feed Me by Jessie James Decker for Christmas and have been loving looking for new recipes to try. I made Jessie’s Chicken Noodle Soup last week and it was so good. I made a big batch with plenty of leftovers for lunches. I’m looking forward to trying more recipes this winter and in the spring and summer too. 

Warm soup for a cold day.

Knives Out: Glass Onion-After seeing lots of previews for Knives Out Glass Onion, I couldn’t wait to watch it. I enjoyed the first movie and really enjoyed the second. I liked the ensemble cast, the surprise cameos and most of all, the mystery of “Who Done It”. There was lots of twists and turns and right when you thought you figured it all out, there was another curveball. 10/10 recommend watching it for your next movie night on Netflix.

The People We Hate at the Wedding– Another movie, but a different genre I enjoyed watching was “The People We Hate at the Wedding”, you can find this on Amazon Prime and it’s the perfect rom-com. This movie follows two siblings and their mother who travel to England for their half-sister’s wedding. There’s a few bumps to get to the big day, but it’s filled with lots of family drama, laughs, love, and the movie wraps with a happy ending. 

Apple Devices Charging Station-I got a new charging station for Christmas and it’s been one of my new favorite things. First, I love that you can charge your phone, watch and airpods (if you have them) all in one spot. My cords would constantly be getting tangled and it’s much more convenient to have everything charging in the area. I also love the white color (it matches my room and is very sleek). Lastly, I appreciate how it doubles as a stand for my phone too. This has been a practical and fun Christmas gift.

That’s just a look into a few things I’m loving this week. I Hope you have a wonderful, winter weekend. See you on Wednesday!

Fabulous living

Book Review: Just Jessie and Rediscover Catholicism

Hi All! 

Happy Tuesday! It is finals week for me, thankfully my finals aren’t too strenuous, I am looking forward to easing my way out of the semester. With summer right around the corner, one of the things I’m looking forward to is reading a lot. I have always loved to read but being in college doesn’t always give me the time to read for fun. Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot for my classes, for example, in one of my classes, I was reading a novel a week. I was definitely getting in my 30 minutes of reading a day. However, I didn’t have a lot of time to read for fun. I was able to complete two books for fun through the Spring semester.  Although, I wish it was more I was happy to get in a little bit of fun reading.

Such a fun book

I first read Jessie James Decker’s book, Just Jessie.I have always been a fan of Jessie James Decker. I loved following her show on E, listening to her new albums, and following her sweet family on social media. In her book she opens up about growing up, dreaming of becoming a singer, her career in music, meeting her husband, starting a family, creating her fashion line, but above all being herself. It was such a fun and light read, especially when I needed a break from reading textbook material all day. I read a few chapters every night so it took me a few weeks to read it, but you could finish it in a few sittings. I love when artists, actors, or influential people, write books and open up about how they got to where they are today. I find it inspiring and it encourages me pursue my own dreams. If you are a fan of Jessie James Decker I would highly recommend reading her book. She also just released a new song, Roots and Wings, which is beautiful. You can listen to it here

Grade: A-

Another great read

I also read Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicismover Lent.  It was another eye-opening book that made me reevaluate my faith and my relationship with God. This is the third book I have read by Matthew Kelly, I have also read Perfectly Yourselfand The Greatest Lie in the History of Christianity. Although, I liked the other books more than this one, I enjoyed digging deeper into my faith. The books really breaks down the Catholic faith, from The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality, living the authentic life, and how we should live our lives as Catholics. I read a little bit every night and I took me the whole duration of Lent to read it, it could definitely be read in a few sittings, but I wanted to reflect on what I was reading. After reading it, I wanted to challenge myself to make my faith more a priority and be more intentional with my relationship with God. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone struggling with their faith or looking to deepen their faith. 

Grade: B-

If you are looking for new books to read I hope this gave you some insights on different books to try. Now, with summer rapdily approaching, I need your help picking out some new books that I should read this summer. What are your current favorites?! I need all the suggestions. Leave them in the comments below! Have a fantastic week!

Fabulous living

Things To Do on a Quiet Weekend

Hey Everyone!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. I just got back from a very restful and much needed break at home. It was so good to get home for a while and rejuvenate for a bit. This is a big week, not only is it the last week before midterms but I am also leaving on Friday to head off to Rome, Italy for Spring Break!!!

So, why am I going to Rome?! I have been a part of a leadership program since I’ve been in college and one of the last components of the program is to learn and apply everything we have learned these past three years for a week in Rome. I travelled to Italy when I was in high school and I can’t wait to go back and get a new experience for this second time. I’ll be sure to post updates of my time abroad as well as several blog posts in the upcoming future. 

Now, moving on to today’s topic: we are talking all about things to do during a quiet weekend. Whether you are a college student like myself, a young working professional, or a parent with free little time to yourself, I hope this post gives you ideas on ways to relax or activities to do when you don’t have a lot to do on the weekends.  

As a college student, I often find myself busy through the week with classes, meetings, and commitments. However, during the weekends, everything tends to slow down, people head home for the weekend, there is not as many things going on, and the weekends are generally quiet. During my time in college, I’ve found many ways to occupy myself when things are quiet, there is only so much homework you can do and you can only get so far ahead in classes. Here are my favorite things to do on the weekend.

  • Binge watch the latest show on Netflix– I’m currently watching American Crime Story “The Assassination of Gianni Versace”, I’m obsessed with it. I loved watching “The People vs. OJ Simpson” a few years ago and was so excited when they came out with a second season. 
Such a good mini series
  • Pick up a book and escape to a new world for a few hours– Although it is hard to come across time to read in college, free time on the weekend gives me time to get ahead on reading and relaxing. I just finished Jessie James Decker’s book, “Just Jessie” and I loved it. It was so easy to read and a good escape from my college books. I’ll be posting my review of her book in the next few weeks. 
Such a fun book
  • Call up that friend you haven’t talked to in forever and catch up.-This is something I have been trying to do more this semester, I have been doing my best to reconnect with old friends, whether they are high school friends or childhood friends. There is nothing better than facetiming with a friend, swapping stories and sharing memories.
  • Self Care Night– After a busy week, take some time for yourself, whether it’s running a bubble bath and reading, doing a facemask, or painting your nails, pamper yourself with something special and make sure you are putting your best self forward for a new week ahead. 
Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish. I wore this color for Valentine’s Day!
  • Take a walk or work out.-Not as relaxing but you will feel better after. Sometimes a walk outside is all we need to clear our heads and recharge our batteries. If a walk is not your thing then hit the gym and sweat the stress away. Get your blood pumping and heart racing and you will feel great after!
  • Do something productive– If you have checked all these things off your list of things to do, then tackle a project that has been needing your attention for a while, whether it is a junk drawer that needs cleaned out, a binder that needs organized, clothes than need laid out, or meal prepping for the week ahead, set time aside to get ahead for the week so you aren’t scrambling on Monday morning. 

I hope this list gives you some examples of things to do on a quiet weekend, although sometimes we crave the quiet and just need silence, it can also get boring and mundane. What activities to do you like to do on those few quiet weekends?

See you on Thursday for a new look of the day!

Fabulous living

Top Things of 2017

Happy day after Christmas. Have you recovered from all the sugar? Is wrapping paper still all over your home? Grab a cup of coco and settle in for the top things of 2017.

2017, is coming to an end. Where has this year gone? Today, I’m wrapping out the year with my top 5 things of 2017.  These include my favorite books, tv series, movies, and fashion trends. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we…

  • Favorite Book: “Grace Not Perfection” I read this book this past fall and it really made me appreciate the simple things. I found it very relatable and it was easy to read. It gave me tips to stay organized and embrace simplicity. Emily Ley, the author, has a new book out called “The Simplified Life”, I am already planning to read it next year. “Grace Not Perfection”, is a terrific book to kick off 2018 with, I highly recommend it.

    Must read especially going into a new year.
  • Favorite TV Show: 2017, brought a lot of new shows. My personal favorite was SEAL Team. It’s a military drama about life both in the warzone and coming home. Each episode takes the team on different missions, but once they get home, the struggles are still the same. Plus, can we talk about what a good looking cast that is?! It returns January 3, 2018 on CBS. Wednesdays at 9:00.

    It returns Wednesday, January 3, 2018
  • -Favorite Movie: “Beauty and the Beast”, I love the remaking of classic Disney movies. From the music, to the actors, and the set design, I loved every aspect. Seeing this movie brought back many childhood memories, although I will always be biased to Cinderella. This was a great family movie that could be enjoyed by all.

    Loved reliving my childhood through this movie
  • Favorite Album/ Music: 2017, had a lot of good music. My personal favorites were Ed Sheeran’s Divide, I listened to his album nonstop especially when it came to writing endless papers for school. I loved Jessie James Decker’s second album, Southern Girl City Lights. I loved the message behind every song. And lastly, to end the year, Taylor Swift made her return with Reputation. The album got me going early mornings in the gym.

    Started 2017 with this album

    Loved the meaning behind all the songs.

    Ended 2017 in a bang with Ms. Swift
  • Favorite Accessory: This year I couldn’t get enough monogramming done. Whether it was a baseball cap, scarf or purse. I love the personalization of getting something monogrammed. I love my local monogramming boutique but Marley Lilly and Etsy are great go-tos.



  • Well there you have it. My top favorite things of 2017. What were your favorites? What are you excited for in 2018? I’ll be sharing one last fashion trend on Thursday. See you then.
Fabulous living

What’s Up Wednesday (10-25-17)

What’s Up Wednesday

Hello, hello! Today I am linking up with some of my favorite blogs: The Larson LingoMix and Match Mama , and Sheaffer Told me To to talk all things Wednesday, hence why I am posting this on Wednesday and not Tuesday. Don’t worry I will be back tomorrow with a fall look then I will be back to my Tuesday/Thursday posting. Once a month I will answer some questions so you know what’s going on with me. Today I will be answering the following questions. Wanna answer them too? Let’s see how much we have in common.

What I’m eating this week

I’m loving these proteins packs for lunch. They are quick and have great combinations. They are perfect for when I don’t have time to eat a full lunch.

What I’m reminiscing about

Halloween as a child! I always loved dressing up and going Trick or Treating. It’s hard being away from home during a holiday especially when I have younger siblings still trick or treating. This year I will still be dressing up, but I won’t be getting any free candy…or maybe some. We will have to wait and see.

What I’m loving

I am loving that we are finally getting cooler weather. It is consistently cool which is perfect fall weather. Also, now it is acceptable to wear high boots and jeans and not get worried to will bounce back to 70 degrees.

What I’ve been up to

Lots of school work. We are in the middle of the semester so papers, quizzes, and projects are all I have been looking at. Between going to classes and my job I’ve been busy.

What I’m dreading

Scheduling for next semester classes! Ugh, a stressful time for all. One step closer to the real world. Scheduling is always hard especially when you don’t get into classes you want are struggling for a back up!

What I’m working on

School work all day. Every day.

What I’m excited about

After looking at my calendar, I have something planned for every weekend from now until the end of the semester. From Fright Nights, to Light up Nights I am going to be busy but, I am very excited for the upcoming weeks.

What I’m watching/reading

I’m currently watching my favorite fall shows: This Is Us, Seal Team, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How To Get Away with Murder. These shows are my motivation to get through long and stressful days.

I’m reading Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley and I’m loving it. I can’t wait until her new book comes out A Simplified Life.

What I’m listening to

I’m listening to Jessie James Decker’s new album Southern Girl City Lights on repeat. She is the only country singer I follow and I love her. This album has a great message filled with beautiful music. Get yours today!

What I’m wearing

Did someone say sweater weather?! I am wearing all the sweaters I can find. I can’t get enough. Also, check back tomorrow for my latest Look of the Day!

What I’m doing this weekend

Lots of Halloween fun! From a Costume Dance to a Fright Night, I’m excited. I’ll be sharing my costume next week with you all.

What I’m looking forward to next month

Thanksgiving and seeing some family for the holidays! As much as I love school and what I am doing, there’s no place like how especially during the holidays.

What else is new

Nothing much. Between classes, work, and the holidays I am always on the go.

BONUS QUESTION: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving Side Dish?

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, love my mom’ s recipe.