Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #84

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a successful and fulfilling first full week of March. My brothers are home for Spring Break and some of their time off overlapped. We have a full house over the next few weeks with siblings and significant others home, needless to say, I am one happy camper. It’s been fun to catch up and have some bonus family time together.

These next few weeks are looking busy with some activities, events, and travel plans, so I am taking the slower and calmer weeks as a win. As we get ready for the weekend, here’s been a look at what I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

One Day– Have you seen the mini-series One Day on Netflix? It’s based on a book and a movie that came out a handful of years ago starring Anne Hathaway. The story follows a guy and girl who meet in college in 1988 and the viewer gets to see where life takes them by checking in with them every year. Each year you see how their lives and their relationship changes and evolves. Some years they meet up on the day, other years, it’s just a check in. You get to see these characters grow into adults, in their careers and with the different people in their lives. It was a very sweet series and I loved seeing the character development throughout. I do have to warn you, there are so emotional storylines told through the series.

Non-Meat Recipes– Asking the internet for some help! We are in the season of Lent and I’m on the hunt for some non-meat recipes to enjoy on Fridays. I am always looking to try new things and Pinterest is always a huge help, but I have found myself in a bit of a rut looking for new recipes. I am looking for any seafood or high protein recipes that don’t involve meat. If you have a favorite recipe or suggestion, share it below!

Big Note Pad- This big notepad has been saving my life recently. I got it from Simplified and I use it to write out my to-do lists for the weekend. I mentioned earlier this year that I use a mini notebook from Simplified to write any weekly to-do’s or goals. However, on days-off, I like to create a massive daily to do. Everything goes on there, from getting in a workout, to meal prepping, even scheduling appointments. I love having a big notepad to jot everything down in one spot. It’s so big that I can use it for multiple days. It’s been a huge lifesaver and it saves me from having a million post-it notes with things to do.

Apple Watch Charger– Another favorite from this week has been a new lifehack I have been using to make my life a little easier. It’s super silly, but also practical. I have a two-in-one charger at home for my iPhone and Apple Watch that I use daily. I have a car charger for my phone in my car, but nothing for my Apple Watch to charge when it’s low on battery and I’m not home to charge it. I took an Apple Watch charger that I wasn’t using and threw it in my purse, so I always have it in case my watch is low, and I need some juice when I am out and about. I know it may seem so silly and a “duh, that’s such an easy solution”, but it was one of those problems that I kept having and was causing my stress about my watch dying and not having a charger on me. A simple solution took away a lot of unnecessary stress. Just an example at how one small change can make all the difference. 

Jerry and Marge Go Large-Wrapping up this week with a fun movie for the family! My boyfriend and I watched Jerry and Marge Go Large and loved it. The movie follows a recently retired man who is looking for a new hobby. His interest is piqued when he starts to play the lottery and finds a workaround to consistently win it. This leads to him and his wife getting closer and finding a new hobby together by playing the lottery. Many people in the town find out and want in on it too. It really brings the whole town together. Overall, the movie was funny, wholesome and great for the whole family.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Some things to watch, some life hacks and some questions too. As we make our way through March, tell me, what’s been some things that have been saving your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

2024 Winter Bucket List

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week so far, as we make our way through the middle of January. Winter is here and it won’t be going away for a while, at least for me. All of our Christmas decorations have been taken down and we have transitioned to winter decor, which includes cleaner surfaces, more empty spaces, and simpler decor. 

Now that the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is behind us, as sad as I was to have seen it go, it has been nice to have less stuff around the house, more freedom in my schedule and start on a clean slate for the new year. It’s also gave me time to plot out my goals for the winter months, which includes my winter bucket list.

Here’s some fun things I want to accomplish over the next few months:

  • Complete Simplicity Challenge
  • Hockey game
  • Ice skating
  • Sled riding
  • Reading by the fire
  • Find a new show to binge watch 
  • Play more board games and puzzles
  • Try new recipes in the kitchen
  • Work on my new hobbies for the new year
  • Winter walks followed by warm drinks
  • Skiing (either downhill or cross country)
  • Movie and junk food day
  • Celebrate Valentine’s Day

This is just a start of some of the things I want to accomplish over the next few months in addition to work, spending time with family, seeing friends, and daily happenings. 

After a busy end of the year, I like to give myself more grace and space in the new year for rest, house and work projects and downtime. As much as I LOVE the holiday season, it is nice to have an open schedule in the new year.

That’s a look at my Winter Bucket List, as we start the new year and season, what are some things you hope to accomplish in the winter months? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #77

Hello All!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week! I like this time of year since it really forces you to slow down and rest. I’ve been spending more time indoors, reading, cooking, and watching movies, however, I do miss getting outdoors for fresh air but right now, 32 degrees doesn’t seem too pleasant to enjoy. I’ve also been doing my best to catch up with friends after the holidays. I got to see friends before things got busy in December, but now that things have calmed down, it’s been good to get back into a routine of seeing my people.

Warm soup on a cold day

As we finish up another work week, I’m sharing a fun batch of favorites from the past week as I Iink up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

I have a mixed bag of things I’m loving and using this week. 

Family Switch– Have you seen the Family Switch on Netflix? I had it on my watch list for a while and some of my family members and I watched it right after the holidays. I was really looking forward to seeing the movie since the concept looked cute and I liked the casting. The movie was good, but not great. There were some cheesy and unrealistic parts and lines, but the overall the message was cute. The movie follows a family whose bodies and personalities all get swapped with one another right before Christmas. The theme of the movie is all about living in someone else’s shoes and learning from each other. This would be a good family movie or a good movie to have on in the background if you are working on other projects. Tell me: if you have seen it, what did you think of it?

New Journal-New year, new journal. Every year I get a different journal and I take my time picking it out, based on what I want to reflect on or what I need it for. I got this journal for Christmas, and it fits exactly what I was looking for in a journal for this year. It’s organized a bit more like a planner, so you can use it as a planner if you choose,  but you can fill out your monthly goals and dreams, there’s a spot for daily musings or writings and there’s inspirational quotes and stickers found throughout the book. I always do my journaling in the morning and I’m looking forward to filling out this journal through the year.

New Room Scent– The Christmas scents are done and now it’s time for warm, winter scents. Snowflakes and Cashmere is my new wall flower scent. Like many scents I enjoy, this has a subtle, sweet scent that isn’t too overpowering. I did a post a while back, but I always like to have some scent in my room, whether it be a candle burning, a wall flower plugged in, or a diffuser going. I never have them all operating at one time, but I change them out depending on what I’m feeling and what scent I’m going for. I like the freshness a wall flower provides and how it can automatically elevate a space based on scent. 

Meet the Parents Series– This may seem like a silly favorite since it’s far from new, but it’s a favorite for me this week. My boyfriend and I have been making our way through the Meet the Parents series on Netflix. I have only seen parts of the movies, but we decided to sit down and watch them together over the course of a week after work and on the weekends. One of my favorite things about streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime is finding older movies to watch or re-watch. We have been loving watching these movies from the early to mid 2000’s, from the one-liners to the quirky family dynamics, it’s been such a fun watch. If you have any classic comedies or dramas that you enjoy, drop them below!

Green Concealer– I have red undertones in my skin complexion so I often use a green primer or concealer. I had been using NYX green concealer, but when the store didn’t have any in stock, I decided to give Maybelline’s green concealer a try and have been very pleased with how it’s been working. I like how smooth the stick goes on my face. It blends in really well and it works well with the other products I use on my face, from skin care to makeup. I’ll use this stick until it runs out and then I will decide if I want to go back to NYX or stick with this.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving and what has been working for me. Tell me: what are some things you have been loving this week? 

 I hope you have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #61

Happy Friday friends and happy end of September! 

This month of transition flew by! Now that we are at the end of the month, I am officially ready for fall come this weekend! Bring on the apple cider, pumpkins and all the fall leaves!

Beautiful fall walks!

This week was a busy one between catching up with friends for walks and meals, doctor’s appointments and setting up appointments. It was a busy, but productive week and now I’m looking forward to the weekend.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s been a few things I’m loving this week.

New Lavendar Pillow Mist Spray– A few weeks ago, in my Let’s Look post, I shared how I use a pillow/room mist spray before bed. Well, right after that post, I finished off the bottle, so it was time to get a new one. I got this Lavendar spray from Bath and Body Works and I have been loving it. The scent isn’t too strong and it’s very subtle. That’s something I always worry about when it comes to the scents, how strong do they come across? Especially when I’m going to be breathing it in for hours. Thankfully, this one isn’t too strong. If you are looking for a room or pillow spray to use before bed, I would recommend this one!

A fresh scent for bedtime.

Kerry Washington and Robin Roberts Interview– I’ve been a fan of Kerry Washington since she starred in Scandal. I loved the show and her acting in it and I have continued to follow her career since then. I was interested in her autobiography, Thicker than Water that came out this week. I plan on reading it soon, however, ahead of the release, she did an interview with Robin Roberts with ABC News that aired on Sunday night. Washington talked a lot about her book and some of the big bombshells from it and what she learned about herself writing it. Washington opened up a lot in her interview with Roberts and after watching it, I saw a whole different side of Washington. After watching the interview, I’m even more eager to get my hands on it. You can find her interview with Roberts here. 

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3- I love a good rom-com and I haven’t been to the movies in ages. My mom and I took advantage of a cooler day and went to the movies to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 and it didn’t disappoint. It was the perfect continuation of the other two movies. Tula and some members of her family head to Greece for a family reunion and of course, the trip doesn’t go as planned. The movie is filled with laughs, romance, gorgeous places in Greece and of course, lots of Greek food. After watching the movie, I was craving Greek delicacies. This was movie was so cute and well-worth the trip to the theater.

Such a cute movie!

New shoes from Anne Klein– Clearly, I have been on a shopping frenzy when it comes to shoes. From brown flats, to black Mary Janes and now some dress shoes from Anne Klein, I have been doing all the shopping. I got these shoes from DSW, and I have worn them for work a lot already. They are super comfortable which is a major win! I love how they are both nude and black so they can work with so many outfits, whether it’s a pair of dress pants, a skirt, or a dress, and with any color!  I also love the small block heel, this makes it great for long days on my feet and I love the thin strap too, another way to make sure your feet stay in place. These shoes can be dressed up and down in both a professional and casual manner. I can’t wait to start pairing them with outfits soon!

New shoes for the new season!

Fall Fruit– I’m in my fruit era and that includes all the end of summer and start of fall fruits. Pears have been my go-to recently. I have been enjoying them with lunches even on salads. They have been the perfect complement to my meals. I always find myself eating more fruit in the summer compared to fall and winter but want to keep up with my fruit intake over the next few months. I can’t wait to go apple picking over the next few weeks and enjoy the apple by themselves and in lots of fruit baked goods too- hello apple muffins, breads, crumbles and pies! 

I have been loving my pears!

That’s a look into what has been on my radar and what I’ve been loving! Tell me, as we say goodbye to September and hello to October, what’s on your October to-do? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fall-tastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #56

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend! I can’t believe we are in back to school mode, this summer truly flew by. Two of my siblings are back in school and the last one goes back this weekend. We had such a good summer and I’m sad to see it go. But in good news, as long as the weather is nice, I can still enjoy plenty of outdoor fun, which is my plan for this weekend. Now, onto some of my favorite things from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites.

Flower Hair Clips– I am hopping on the trend of big hair clips. I got these big flower clips for my birthday and have been wearing them a lot after a long day at work or on weekends. I love the colors, how they hold all my hair and how they are  a cute fashion accessory. These have easily become a fun fashion trend and I am here for it. 

The cutest hair accessory!

80 for Brady– When I was traveling with my family for our vacation I got around to watching 80 for Brady for the first time on Amazon Prime and really enjoyed it. Although, unrealistic at certain times, I loved the bond between four older women and their love for Tom Brady. You don’t have to be a football fan to enjoy this film. There were so many funny scenes between the main characters and great one-liners, plus a few tear jerkers too! This is a great movie to get you ready for the football season too!

Such a fun movie!

Face Scrub-Sticking with travel, I tried a new product while on vacation. I got this sugar face scrub from Tree Hut in watermelon citrus water. Besides the refreshing scent, which is perfect for summer, I really enjoyed the fact it was a scrub, I felt like my face was really getting cleaned. This would be a great product to take along for a beach trip or to use if you want to give your face a good cleaning. I’m not sure if I would use it every day, since it was a scrub as opposed to a cleanser, but it was fun to try out on vacation.

Some fun new products to try this summer!

Blueberry Muffins– My boyfriend and I went blueberry picking a few weeks ago and I used some of our blueberries to make muffins. I followed this recipe from Mix and Match Mama. I haven’t done a whole lot of baking this summer, but it was so fun to get back in the kitchen and this recipe was super easy to whip up. I even made a few with chocolate chips. These are perfect for back to school breakfasts or you can enjoy them as a post-dinner treat! My family loved them too! Yum!

The best way to use blueberries!

Better than Fiction- I have been going through books left and right, sometimes you hit a really good streak with books and that’s where I’m at now. I recently finished Better than Fiction by Alexa Martin and it combined two of my favorite hobbies, reading and hiking! This book follows the story of a young woman who inherits her grandmother’s book store. As she tries to manage this new project, enter a fan-favorite author. He’s visiting her small town for inspiration for his new book and they make a deal. She shows him around the area and he teaches her how to love books. There’s some bumps along the way, but overall, this book will leave you wanting to go on an adventure and support your favorite local bookstore!

Such a fun read, I breezed through it!

And that’s a wrap on another edition of Friday Favorites! Thanks so much for coming along for the ride this Friday and every Friday! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #46

Hey Hey! Happy Friday! I hope you had a fantastic week! I am excited for a long weekend that includes lots of fun and adventures, plus time with family and my boyfriend! I can’t wait to share it all with you soon!

Nothing says summer like a day at the beach!

This week went by in the blink of an eye , but it was so productive-those are the best kinds of weeks, but I couldn’t wait for the weekend. 

It’s time for a new edition of Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Here’s some things that I am loving this week, from practical items to things I’m watching and reading, these are a roundup of things that have been on my mind.

Best Served Hot– I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading. This is definitely a fun summer read by the pool or on a beach.

Water Bottle Holder– I have fallen in love with walks and hikes over the past few yeas, but it’s always important to stay hydrated. I was always taking a water bottle with me, but had to carry it all the time. For Christmas, I got a water bottle holder and I couldn’t wait to try it this summer. I went for a long walk a few weeks back and couldn’t wait to use this holder and it was perfect. It fits most plastic or reusable water bottles, keeps them cold and your hands free and there’s space to store your phone, money or keys. This would be great for long hikes and walks to keep your hands free and keep you staying hydrated. 

A water bottle holder that holds your drink and is cute too!

Summer Dress Sandals– I know I am late to the game on these trendy, summer, dress sandals, but I picked up a pair from T.J. Maxx and they have become my favorite summer dress sandal. I have worn them to work, to church and out to events and date night. I love the color, the straps and the best part is how comfortable they are! They have great support and you can wear them for hours. I can’t wait to wear them more this summer!

A view of the shoes on!

Stain Remover– I got this clothing stain remover that I keep at work and it has saved me so many times. It gets ink, food, oil, blood, grass, even sweat stains out of clothes in seconds. I always keep it in my desk and have used it so many times and even leant it to co-workers to use. I highly recommend it, however, I can’t remember where I bought it. So, if you have used this or heard of it and know where I can find it, let me know!!

Love, Sarah– I know this is an older movie, but it came up on my Amazon Prime suggestions and I was intrigued. Love, Sarah is all about a daughter, grandmother, and friend who open a bakery in honor of a loved one who dies. It takes place in London, which immediately drew me in, plus it’s all about creating delicious pastries and bakery items while working together and of course, there’s a bit of a love story tied in too. Definitely worth watching on a rainy day or for a girl’s night in!

There you have it! A few things I’m loving this week. From fun things to useful summer items. Tell me what has brought you joy this week? Have a great weekend!! I know I will be a having a great one!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #44

Happy Friday friends and happy JUNE! This week went so fast and it was so busy! We kicked off my birthday on Monday with Memorial Day which was so fun! Then we had a few family events this week, so I was ready for my weekend! 

Surprise birthday flowers still going strong!

Today’s Friday favorites are so fun for the start of summer as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

J.Crew Haul– I did some retail therapy for some new work clothes last week and was so happy with some recent J. Crew purchases. I got some great blazers, pants, tops and dresses. It was such a successful day at the outlets. I can’t wait to share some of my outfits soon in a few weeks, but here’s a sneak peek. I can’t wait to wear these fun pants and a blazer this summer. Very professional but also fun for summer!

New Kylie Cosmetics Lip Color– I always enjoy trying some new makeup, but I do like to stick with what I know and love. I have really enjoyed Kylie Cosmetics for the lip kits, colors, and how long lasting they are. I have been on the hunt for a bright, pink and finally found it. This color is perfect for summer and can be great for work or play. I have ordered Kyle Cosmetics online, but now that you can get products at Ulta Beauty, it makes it so much easier to pick out colors and makeup options. This will be a summer favorite for sure!

Summer Planting– Over Memorial Day weekend, I made my way to the greenhouse for some summer flowers! I love the smell, colors and creativity that comes with a greenhouse. I picked out some flowers to help my mom with some of our pots. Although it’s a lot of hard work, the end result of a summer full of flowers is worth it. I also picked out some items for another summer project this summer. Stay tuned!

Love Again– Ahead of my birthday, my mom and I went to see Love Again in the theaters. We went to a matinee and were the only ones there. So fun! The movie stars Sam Heughan (hello Outlander fans) and Priyanka Chopra Jonas. The movie is all about two people getting connected and finding Love Again. There’s a few unexpected twists in the movie and some surprise cameos. One of my favorite parts was all the Celin Dion songs (she stars in it too!) Definitely a new favorite, rom com!

Ted Lasso finale-This past week was the season 3 finale on Ted Lasso and wow, what a finale, dare I say series finale! My boyfriend and I started binge-watching the show at the beginning of the year and watched it right up to the start of season 3 and we have been watching the new episode every week. This season had some up and down episodes, but overall, I thought the last few episodes were really strong. This has been such a fun show to watch. If you watched the last episode, what did you think?! This article breaks down what happened. Warning: Spoilers!

There you have it! A fun roundup of shows, products and movies as we kick off June! Tell me what things do you have planned for the first month of summer? Let me know in the comments below!!

Happy First Weekend of JUNE!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #30

Happy Friday and happy first Friday of March! This week, we said goodbye to February and hello to March! I know it may not feel like spring yet, it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me, but this new month brings the promise that we are closer to spring than winter and that’s a major win! 

I have a fun roundup of favorite things this week. Let’s jump right in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Disenchanted– I watched this movie a few weeks ago and kept forgetting to share it until now. Growing up, I loved the movie Enchanted with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey and was so excited as an adult to learn they were making a sequel. I’m glad I saw Disenchanted, I thought it was cute and liked how they brought the same characters and had little Easter eggs from other Disney movies, but didn’t think they needed a sequel. But if you are looking to enjoy some childhood nostalgia, this movie wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Fun movie for the whole family!

Everything Seasoned Crackers– I was on the hunt for some different crackers to enjoy with lunch and tried these crackers from Walmart and loved them. They have so much flavor and seasoning and go great with cheese, fruit, even dips or spreads. Definitely worth picking them up the next time you are on the hunt for a new cracker. 

My new favorite cracker-so much flavor!

The Fableman’s– In honor of award season, I watched The Fableman’s and loved it. It’s based on the story of Steven Spielberg and how he fell in love with movies and directing. I’ve enjoyed so many of Spielberg’s movies and loved learning more about his backstory and childhood. Michelle Williams did a fantastic job and the cinematography was incredible. It may have been a long movie but it didn’t feel long at all, you totally get caught up in it. I loved every second and can’t wait to see how it does for the Academy Awards.

Apple Fitness Time to Walk– I have talked about some of Apple Fitness’ different workout courses and have really been enjoying their Time to Walk series, different actors, actresses, athletes and world leaders narrate different stories or share personal experiences while walking, it’s very similar to a podcast. I really love listening to different people’s stories and it makes walking in colder weather so much better.

Outerbanks Season 3- Anyone else finish Outerbanks season 3 yet?! It came out last Thursday and I’ve spent most of the past week catching up on it. There were definitely some surprises, cliffhangers and reunions this season but it was so good to catch up on this show. Not going to lie, seeing all the exterior scenes had me craving some warmer weather. If you have caught up on the new season, what did you think?!

What I’ve been watching this week.

That’s just a recap on some of my favorite things from this week. This weekend, I’m looking forward to watching Daisy Jones and the Six. I’ve been talking about it a lot from the book, to trailer and now the series. I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites next week.

Hello weekend plans!

I hope you enjoy this first weekend of March! Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #29

Hi all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we enjoyed the last full week of February!

It’s been a busy week of work, friends and family. As the week wraps up, I’m sharing some things that have caught my attention and I’ve been loving. Here’s a roundup of my favorite things as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Season of the Masked Singer– The Masked Singer is one of my guilty pleasures. I started watching the show when it premiered a handful of years ago and I’ve been an avid viewer since. I love seeing the talent, watching the cast members battle it out and seeing who gets unmasked each week. Season 9 premiered last week and the first few episodes did not disappoint. Some of the unmasking have definitely surprised me. I can’t wait to see what this season holds.

Romantic Comedy Books– I’ve been on a rom com kick when it comes to books. I talked about Part of Your World on this week’s Currently and really loved it.

I also read The Bodyguard after hearing great reviews about it and really enjoyed it as well. I fell in love with the characters, the unique plot line and the setting. If you are looking for some new books to read, these are definitely winners.

Ted Lasso Season 3 Teaser– I’ve been making my way through Ted Lasso and I’ve been loving it. The new teaser and synopsis for Ted Lasso season 3 dropped last week and I can’t wait to see what this season brings. This has been such a fun show to watch with my boyfriend. We can watch an episode or four and it doesn’t get old. 10/10 recommend if you haven’t watched it yet.

Daisy Jones and the Six Full Trailer– The full trailer dropped for Daisy Jones and the Six dropped and it looks so good. After reading the book last summer, I love seeing these characters come to life. The music sounds so good and the makeup and costuming looks phenomenal. You better believe I’ll be watching the series once it drops next week on March 3 on Amazon Prime.

Shotgun Wedding– I really enjoyed seeing all the promotions leading up to Shotgun Wedding on Amazon Prime. Jennifer Lopez and Josh Duhamel brought the perfect mix of humor and serious to their roles. The movie follows a couple who are getting married in a destination wedding, things start out smooth until their wedding gets hijacked by pirates. This movie is filled with great one-liners, romantic moments, beautiful destinations and a happy ending. If you have seen it, what did you think?

Such a cute rom com

That’s a roundup of some of my favorite things. Tell me what are some things you are loving today?

Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #27

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great work week and are ready for the weekend. It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day, which means it’s time to bring out all the heart shaped treats and goodies, put on a cute outfit and celebrate LOVE this weekend or early next week. 

I made these heart shaped peanut butter cookies last week from Mix and Match Mama and they were so good and the perfect way to enjoy February!

Before we head into the weekend, I have a fun round up of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with  Erika and Andrea.

Let’s Dive in!

MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street- I just finished this four part documentary series on Netflix and really found it interesting. I knew who Bernie Madoff was and what he did, but never knew the whole story and all the background. I found this mini-series to be fascinating and informative. I really liked how they re-enacted crucial moments in history in addition to the interviews of those involved. You can finish this in a weekend or over the course of the week after work. Netflix did a really good job with this docu-series.

Covergirl Concealer- I’m trying a new concealer from Covergirl and I’m loving it. For the longest time, I was using their concealer stick for makeup touch ups. But I wanted to try this new liquid concealer and I have been happy with the results so far. It goes on super smooth and blends really well. There are so many different shades, so you can match it easily to your skin tone. I’m always hesitant to try new makeup products but have been happy with this new concealer so far.

Midnight at the Pera Palace-The winter months have me hunkering down and watching shows and movies on my watchlist on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Midnight at the Pera Palace has been on my watch list for months and I finally got around to watching it and wish I had watched it earlier. There’s only one season so far and there’s eight episodes in season one, so it’s not too much of a time commitment. It’s a Turkish show, but you can watch it in English and with subtitles. It follows the story of a young journalist who does a story about an old hotel and realizes there’s more to the hotel than its history. Hint: it involves time travel and making sure the past doesn’t affect the future. 10/10 recommendation.

Caramel Apple Bourbon Trail Mix– I love trying new trail mixes and snacks from Target and Giant Eagle. This trail mix is the perfect mix between sweet and salty. There’s cranberries, almonds, apple bites and pretzels. I’ve been enjoying this with lunch or as an afternoon snack. Just enough flavor for an afternoon pick me up.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris– I saw so many previews for this movie and couldn’t wait to watch the movie. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris follows the story of a woman who works as a house cleaner and looks to fulfill her dream of wearing a designer gown. This movie takes her from England to Paris where she gets a newfound sense of confidence and makes some friends along the way. This movie will have you dreaming of a trip to Paris! Such a cute mother/daughter or girlfriend movie!

That’s just a look at some things I’m loving this week. Tell me! What are your plans for the weekend? Do you plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday!