Fabulous living

5 Years of Writing

5 years…every week for the past five years, I’ve sat down and opened my laptop and began to write.ย 

Some days, it was therapeutic to put into words what’s been on my mind, other days I got to talk about things I’m passionate about, like products, books, or movies.

ย I’ve written about outfits I’ve put together and mixing and matching different pieces to keep things affordable.

I’ve written about how to keep your spaces clean whether it’s your dorm room, car, or daily planner.

I’ve written about trips I’ve taken, or bucket lists I’ve made and things I’ve accomplished. It’s amazing that just when I think so don’t have any more ideas, something new comes to mind. Over 350 posts and counting.

When I started my blog at the end of my freshmen year of college, I was looking for a creative outlet. I was homesick and I was searching for a hobby and decided why not write. My blog was a way to keep family members and friends in the loop about what I was doing and as a way to express myself.

A look at some of my first posts.

I looked forward to sharing different outfits and life hacks each week. As I grew up and matured, so did my blog. I changed the style and content as I made my way through college and graduated. If you have been following since the very beginning, you know there’s been changes with color schemes and the days I posted and even some of the topics. It’s been fun to look back and see how far I have come since May 2017.

Another throwback to one of my first outfits.

I learned balance with my blog as I started my first job. Every weekend I always looked forward to working on something creative and fun, especially as our world changed with the pandemic. Even with all the unknowns and at sometimes darkness, my blog was a bright spot for me and hopefully for others.ย 

From college to my first day of work

I’ve learned a lot about myself these past five years. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and share what’s on your mind, whether it’s about eating alone or transitioning from college to working. I’ve learned the importance of making time for yourself and finding joy every day, whether it’s through journaling or walks or cooking.

Enjoying the simple things in life like apple picking has been something I’ve leaned into more these past few years.

While I’ve learned a lot so far, I know I still have a ways to go. I’m excited to see what this next year brings. My hope is that it brings more life lessons, more memories, and most importantly, little moments that bring joy every day.

 To those who read my blog posts when I started writing them sitting in my college dorm room, thank you for sticking with me! And, to those who started following along as I now write them on weekend with my dog curled up on my lap back home, thank you for stopping by.

I hope my blog brings you a little bit of joy, like it does for me every day.

Here’s to a new year, a new chapter, and taking life one day at a time.



Fabulous living

2019 Recap and 2020 Goals

Hi everyone! 

New year, new blog!

Back and better than ever

2019, was such a good year for me. From enjoying my last full year of college, going abroad in Rome during Spring Break, you can see part 1 and part 2! making countless memories with friends, graduating college, and starting a new job. It was an incredible journey. With all the highs and great moments, there was also a lot of hard work, perseverance, and support to help me achieve all these goals.

One of the biggest things that I took away from this year was the people. In life, people come into our lives at different times and for different reasons, whether itโ€™s for our whole lives, a few years, or even a few months, people enter our lives and make an impact no matter how big or small it is. As people, we can always learn something from others and they can always learn something from us. I met so many people from friends, classmates, professors, and faculty who made an impact on me in small and big ways. I canโ€™t wait to see where this new season of life takes me.ย 

ย Speaking of the new season of life, not only is it a new year, but itโ€™s also a new decade. I have so much hope for this new journey in life and I canโ€™t wait to see where it takes me. I always come up with a motto or a word of the year and this year is no different.

Going into 2020, my phrase of the year is going to beโ€ฆLEARN and LOVE. With a new job I am planning on taking everything in and learning about this new job, new role in life, and learning about myself navigating adulthood. I also am planning on loving myself, my work, my family, my friends and my life. Too often, do I find myself getting caught up in being too busy that I forget how incredible life is. This year I plan on learning and loving and enjoying where I am in life.ย 

I hope are ready to take on a new year and all it has to offer. What are your phrases or words for the upcoming year?